Are you a blogger? If yes, then other than uploading content regularly you must also pay attention to see whether your content is reaching your followers and readers or not. If your reach has decreased suddenly or you wish to increase it then it is a good idea to optimize your blog so it reaches more people and features higher on the tally of results when any keywords related to your post are searched.

There are a number of tasks to be done if you want to optimize your blog. Here are the things that you must do to make sure your posts reach more and more people.

Be sure to update your blog frequently

Keeping a blog active with frequent posts is a good idea. Draw up a schedule for your uploads and maintain it to the best of your abilities. If you upload every Friday then your readers will look forward to updates on Friday and if for some reason you cannot upload on a certain Friday then you must update your readers about the delay. Keeping your readers posted about your uploads and sticking to upload schedules will earn you revisits on your posts along with extra brownie points.

Dead links must be removed

All external citations in your posts must have links. When you add the links make sure that you copy the correct link which is active. If you copy a wrong link then it will take your readers to an Error 404 page. This definitely is a strike against your blog. To avoid this, you must run frequent links check to weed out those links which are not active. If you find dead links then change them to add ones which are active or you must remove the link completely. No link is better than a dead link.

Check for spam comments

The database of your blog might get crowded with the comments which are marked as spam. You should review these comments and delete the ones which are spam while restoring the ones which may have been wrongly marked as spam. This prevents your database from getting overcrowded and slowing down your blog.

A few other things that you should keep in mind

You must frequently check the numbers that your blog is bringing in. How many people are visiting and revisiting your blog and which are the most popular blogs – if you run a blog then you must take note of these things as they help you curate better content by studying the patterns of engagement generated by different kinds of posts.

Check the linkability of your website. If your blog has been linked in external websites then more visitors will land up on your blog even from other, external sources. More people being exposed to your blog will bring more engagement.

Make sure that you are using the latest and updated version of the app or website where you upload your blog posts.

For more information on the steps you can take to optimize your blog, visit

To Conclude

While the content of your blog is important in engaging your readers, it is also necessary to focus on these peripheral factors to make a lasting impact on your visitors. To make the experience of reading your posts seamless, you must make sure that your blog is optimized. An optimized blog gets you more engagement with your older visitors while getting you newer readers. So, alongside thinking of content ideas, you must also keep an optimization schedule in place and spare time to carry out the optimization procedures.
