It is true that at one point in time you will experience burnout and stress, but how can you overcome it? Sometimes you can try other methods that people use to overcome burnout and stress but most of the time you have to figure out your own unique method to get past it. 

Writer, Actress, Cosplayer, and Model Taya Miller was able to share a few tips on how she personally deals with and overcomes stressful times and days where she feels burnt out. Here is what she said. 

What are your biggest distress tips? 

  1. Take the time to figure out what exactly is bothering you, and walk yourself through it — what is the worst possible outcome? Is this something that you can control? If so, what is the first step to fix it? Know that taking the time to figure out how to allocate your time and energy is never a waste of time.
  1. When I find myself too focused on something that I cannot control, I remind myself that I get to decide how much I will allow it to affect my thoughts. In most situations, thinking about it is not benefiting me, and is distracting me from other things that need attention. Mentality is everything.

How do you avoid burnout and a stressful day? 

  1. Every day, I make sure to do something that I love. It could be something as simple as enjoying my favorite coffee for 10 minutes in the morning before beginning a day of tasks. Life is about doing what you love with the time that you are given. If you could do something that you love today, why wouldn’t you?
  1. Give yourself days off! These days might vary week to week, but I always make sure to give myself 1-2 days a week where I’m not answering emails or creating content. Granted, I’m still uploading content because social media rarely sees days off, but I plan ahead so I can use my energy towards developing my personal life and relationships.

What are your main tips for a successful habit? 

  1. Creating a sustainable schedule. Pushing yourself to your limit every day is not sustainable, and is not an enjoyable life to live in my opinion. 
  1. Mental practice. If you create a sustainable schedule, but doubt yourself and your ability to do it, you will not succeed. Tell yourself that you WILL do it, that you ARE doing it. Get your mindset right, and success will follow. 

What keeps you motivated? 

My biggest motivator is knowing what my goals in this life are and what future I want to build for myself and my family. I’ve always been a huge family person, and I’ve been blessed with a family that consistently encourages me to follow my dreams, no matter how terrifying they may seem to me. When I was younger, my Grandma told me that I was, “destined for more in life” — she passed away when I was 4, but those words resonate within me daily. 

I want to make her proud, I want to make my family proud, I want to make myself proud. Most importantly, I want to help others in encouraging them to do the same in following their dreams and achieving all that they want in their lifetime.


Everyone has bad days, and everyone needs breaks, so don’t feel bad when you’re not feeling productive. Find your own method to overcome these feelings of stress and burnout and do some research and try some methods online. Maybe even try some of Taya Miller’s tips mentioned above. Learn how to overcome stress and burnout today, you deserve it.


  • Johnny Medina

    Branding Expert-Business Consultant

    Johnny Medina is a young Entrepreneur who interviews successful Entrepreneurs/Business Owners who are willing to share their success tips & have overcome some challenging obstacles.