While the world continues to be still, many people are left to ponder about certain things. Clearly, COVID-19 has created an arrangement, where many individuals are being forced to grapple with the pain and agony of feeling as if they have not completed things in their lives, they have wished to. Perhaps, they have made some bad decisions, prior to. Or maybe, they waited for you, through procrastination, in wanting to accomplish certain dreams and goals. Whatever it may be, anxiety and stress is being felt within these current times. The present moment is an even greater wake-up call, that life is not promised. As the saying goes, tomorrow is never promised. It’s why living in the day, and cherishing each and every second and moment, is precious.

Stillness has placed many people in panic mode. A number of people have no direction in what they need to do, in order to overcome these feelings. In fact, some even make it worse, by staying inside of these feelings, and worrying. Increasing the level of anxiety, and fear, in the thoughts of having missed out on opportunities. The fear of not having done, or pursued one’s purpose, within one’s lifetime. As quiet as it is kept, many people are experiencing this. It’s an ugly feeling, and it’s a scary one.

(Source: www.freepik.com; Edits By Lauren K. Clark)

Nevertheless, sometimes a person can get too caught up in one’s own thoughts, that they begin ruminating on things, which have not even happened, yet. In order to gain back control of our lives, dreams, and purpose, here are a few tips that can guide you along the way.

*Make A List Of All the Things You Have Accomplished

(Source: www.freepik.com; Edits By Lauren K. Clark)

Sometimes, we become so focused on what we haven’t done, that we miss out on what we have done. When you write down all of our victories, you lift off much of the pressure, you may be feeling. No matter how long, or how short, your list may be, look at it once you are done. Be proud in what you have written. After all, it is a sign of what you have, done. It means you have produced something, and gets you out of “failure mode.”

*Set A Weekly Goal and Work Days To Accomplish It

Sometimes, fear, and anxiety, compels us in wanting to accomplish something quick, in order to dispel long periods of waiting for something. That’s fine. So, set weekly goals, which are attainable. It can include things such as working on a collection of poems, creating a blog, improving a certain skills at work, or walking/running in the morning to lose 5 lbs, during the week. Whatever it is, make sure to ask yourself if it is something, which can be done in the course of a week. Having these weekly goals, with daily work patterns, keeps your sense of accomplishments, fresh. You feel as if you are getting things done. After all, its the production, which makes our list longer.

(Source: www.freepik.com; Edits By Lauren K. Clark)

*Imagine Yourself Doing Better

(Source: www.freepik.com; Edits By Lauren K. Clark)

One of the most refreshing rewards of overcoming our anxieties is to imagine ourselves in a better state. If you were to see yourself in a better position, what would you look like? What kind of clothes would you be wearing? What would be your next travels be? How would your familial relationships improve? How would your love life or social circle improve? Imagine these improvements about yourself. It does wonders in lifting your Spirits, and making you feel better.

*Draw Out the Goals You Still Have For Yourself

(Source: www.freepik.com; Edits By Lauren K. Clark)

When you see yourself accomplishing all of your dreams, you get excited. There is a different energy level created when you see visuals of yourself. It gets you to believing that making them a reality is actually possible. So, use your artistry to paint the beautiful present, and future, you envision.

*Speak A Positive Word To Yourself Each Day

(Source: www.freepik.com; Edits By Lauren K. Clark)

You don’t have to spend long conversations talking to yourself. End the torture cycles of thinking how bad your life is. Instead, try choose a positive word, to dedicate to yourself, each day. Stay focused on this word for the whole day. When you start to feel bad, and down, speak this word, aloud to yourself. Repeat it until you feel the nutrition, coming from its energy. Lift up your Spirits, with a word each day.

*Connect With Others, Who Are Disciplined In Their Goals

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It’s a given that we cannot do things alone. Therefore, as the saying goes, there is power in numbers. Being that when you link up with particular people, who are happy, with highly nourished energy, you are able to experience happiness. Just remember that joy is contagious. It gives us the excitement, in seeing how we can also experience happiness. Experience joy with other people. Being happy allows you to change your life, and to see how you can be fulfilled and experience joy.

*Look At Yourself In the Mirror, When You Wake Up In the Morning

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A great part of appreciating who you are, is to acknowledge yourself, in the physical. Waking up each morning means the Earth, Heavens, and Universe are still in need of your presence. It means that your journey is not complete. What have you done to ensure that your physical being is contributing back to the very day, you have arisen to? What holistic energies have you given to this day? Can you given beauty, if you cannot first see it, within yourself?

*Dedicate Each Day To Give Something Positive To Someone Else

While we are on that journey of overcoming our fears of failure, and unfulfillment, let’s remember to share that love to other loving Spirits. Do not simply keep it to yourself? Allow yourself to feel useful in adding sunshine to someone else’s life, as well as your own! ???

*Make Sure You Are Rewarding Yourself For Each Stride You Are Making

(Source: www.freepik.com; Edits By Lauren K. Clark)
(Source: www.freepik.com; Edits By Lauren K. Clark)

One thing giving us that necessary push, is how we are seeing the beauty in the journey. Reclaiming our vision, and life’s purpose, is a wonderful feeling. At the same time, it can be a tedious journey. Therefore, we want to make the journey as pleasurable as possible. Giving tenderness to yourself, and providing nourishment to your mind, body, and Soul, makes the journey that more enriching.

These current times do not have to be those of fear, which are filled with self-doubt and nervousness, in time’s passing by. In fact, there are many things to be re-examined, re-explored, and redone! Get moving in what you want to change! Start walking in what you want to do. Sitting and worrying about what you “could have, should have, would have” does nothing. Dreams are still attainable, no matter how old you are. People are doing the “unattainable,” every day. Take this time, and make the time, for creative timing, in improving, YOU!

(Source: www.freepik.com; Edits By Lauren K. Clark)

(Source: www.freepik.com; Edits By Lauren K. Clark)


  • Lauren K. Clark

    Lauren K. Clark hails from Atlanta, Georgia. Currently based in Cairo, Egypt, she is a lover of travel, studying different languages, the arts, and more!

    Coming from Atlanta, Georgia, Lauren K. Clark came to Cairo, Egypt for her graduate studies in Gender & Women's Studies/Migration and Refugee Studies. A writer, published in 6 countries, project coordinator, working with refugee/migrant children, and just enjoying the magic and power of life. The world of theater is her therapy, and the performing arts lavishes her world! Enthralled with the mysteries of the Universe, and all the beauties, Creation has to offer.