Last year, I was dismissed from my job in a way that I would never want anyone to go through… One day I was respected by a company and the second day I was told: “you’re leaving NOW, we’ll get a taxi to take you home”.
When I was saying good bye to my employees they had tears in their eyes, they couldn’t believe it…

My life stopped.

Quickly after that I started a new job and thought it was a dream come true. It wasn’t. Not only it was completely not my cup of tea, it knocked down my self-worth to the level that I didn’t want to wake up in the morning.

One day they told me that our cooperation wasn’t working and on that very same afternoon I went through a traumatic miscarriage of our second baby that we’ve been trying for, for over a year.

My life stopped again.

My confidence went even lower…not only I was rubbish at work, my business at that time wasn’t making any money, I felt like a failure as a woman and as a mother…

Within 5 weeks, we packed our 8 years of life in London and came to our home country Poland. For me to heal.

And then I got a diagnosis of avascular necrosis of femoral head… which simply meant that I had to walk with crutches and can forget about any type of sport for a loooong time, with running most likely forever…

Me – sporty one, who was running with buggy, motivating people to be active, planning to complete 6 World Marathon Majors, with a ballot place for Chicago marathon this October…
It was devastating news for me.
My healthy image collapsed… how can I even continue with my business Active Happy Mama now?

My life stopped again.

Was scheduled for operation but it couldn’t happen, as it turned out that I was pregnant, again…not for long though, ended up in a hospital with ectopic pregnancy…


My life stopped again, for the 5th time…

I had enough. It wasn’t fair. How can one person go through so much in such a short period of time…?


In the middle of it all, I started to really look after myself and prioritizing myself. Listening to my body and my heart, working with energy, shifting my mindset, implementing new habits that were serving me.

I made a decision to truly love myself and to believe that whatever life throws at me, good or bad, I’m able to cope with. I trusted the Universe. Even though I still didn’t understand it.

And everything changed.

With crutches, I started teaching English. Helping people prepare for job interviews, helping Polish coaches improve their English, so they can start working with foreign clients. I got more and more clients week after week.

With crutches, I rebranded my business completely and started helping others improve their self-worth and confidence, so they can become unstoppable in all areas of their lives. Sharing the work that helped me change my life. And the clients started to come.

I went from hitting rock bottom in terms of my confidence level to moving to Spain, which is a dream come true, rebranding my business, starting a new one, and creating a lifestyle that I can work from anywhere in the world.

And, within 3 months from walking out of hospital, one week, I literally doubled my income. DOUBLED. And it keeps growing.

So, what I’ve learnt on my journey… how can you pick yourself up from hitting a rock bottom with your confidence…


Really look after yourself and prioritize yourself.

In the middle of my traumatic experiences I started listening to my body and my heart, working with energy, shifting my mindset, implementing new habits that were serving me. I made a decision to truly love myself and to believe that whatever life throws at me, good or bad, I’m able to cope with. And everything changed.

Yes, looking after yourself and prioritizing yourself is crucial. Miracles will start to happen. If you don’t look after yourself, no one will. Sooner or later you won’t be able to look after the ones around you. Put your oxygen mask on first. As you’re so worth it.


Your number #1 priority is to feel good. Do what you feel like, even if it’s not logical.

Feeling good in every moment of your life is crucial. Make it your priority. Really. When you feel good, you change the vibration in your body and you start emitting the frequency of happiness. In turn, you become a magnet, attracting more things to your life that will make you feel happy too.

Let me give you an example. Couple of weeks ago I was a bit stressed about money, things were not working out the way I wanted them to be.

So, I put a hand on my heart asking what to do. The answer was “Go for a swim”. What? My son is in the kindergarten, so I “should” work on my business.

But I decided to listen and went for a swim. It felt sooooo good. I was relaxed, I was happy, I was grateful, I felt blessed. I did that for few days in a row. And you know what happened? Clients and money started to come my way. I literally got messages for clients to work with me when I was in that swimming pool. And that week my income doubled. DOUBLED. By me feeling good and doing what wasn’t logical…

But it was needed and it shifted the flow of energy in my body for amazing things to come.


Listen to your heart, to your soul, to your intuition. Don’t listen to your mind. Your mind is stupid. Listen to your heart. Your heart knows.

Really, when you feel stuck, when you don’t know what to do, put a hand on your heart and ask for an answer. You’ll get it. Sometimes it may seem completely illogical (as with my swimming) but your heart knows. When we ignore our heart, our intuition, when we decide to listen to our mind and do what we “should”, often times it doesn’t work. Everything is energy and in order for the energy to flow, there has to be a flow. Sometimes we need to unlock something in one area of our life in order for the things to start flowing in another one.


I’m a big fan of manifestation. Knowing exactly what you want, saying it out loud into the Universe, and believing that it will come your way.

And then just trust and wait for the miracles to happen.

Don’t question it. Don’t be impatient. Everything happens exactly in the right moment for you. I know, I know, most of the time we want it here and there, but trust me, it will come to you when it’s meant for you. And not necessarily in the way you were thinking.


You never know who is watching. For me, sharing my story took months. I needed to work it through myself.

But that’s not the whole truth.

I believe that I was ready to share it much earlier than I actually did.

So, why didn’t I share it earlier?

Because I was afraid.

Afraid what other people would think of me.

Afraid that people may say that I shouldn’t share such personal and painful events from my life with others on social media.

Afraid that my “perfect” image can collapse. After all people have always known me for the one who is always successful, confident one, who is always positive and happy. Right? So, how can I be vulnerable…

This is BS, it’s only in our heads. Being the real you is what people want, this is what attracts people your way.

Let me repeat this, you never know who is watching.

You can inspire more people than you can imagine. After sharing my story, I started getting messages from people that I haven’t spoken with for years, that my story moved them, inspired them and was a turning point in their life…

So, think about who you can move, who you can inspire, who you can help, who can benefit from you sharing your story. Focus on your message and how it can impact the world.

So, my dear, if I could use the lemons life was throwing my way to make a lemonade, maybe you can make one for yourself too?

I believe in you and wish you all the happiness in the world <3


  • Alex Grzybek

    Confidence & Life Coach, Podcaster

    I’m Alex, Confidence & Life Coach, Host of Confidence Rockstar Podcast. Before my baby boy turned 7 months, I completed my 1st ever marathon and tough mudder, training alongside breastfeeding and enduring sleepless nights. Later, within few months I've been through unfair dismissal, unfulfilling job that knocked down my confidence completely, traumatic miscarriage, and health diagnosis that made me walk with crutches for months..., to name a few. I went from hitting rock bottom in terms of my confidence level to moving to Spain, which is a dream come true, starting a new business, doubling my income in 3rd month of the business, and creating a lifestyle that I can work from anywhere in the world.   I help women improve their confidence and belief in themselves, so they take action on behalf of their dreams. Grab my FREE 5 Day Email Course: Confidence Rockstar here: