Calmness is a state of being free. The feeling is euphoric. Your worries are none at the present time. It is close by the feeling of going into a deep sleep while dreaming or meditating.
So how to get more sleep and practice meditation? To achieve calmness one must prioritize self-care. None of it matters if you don’t put yourself first before others. It is like putting your name on a list where it is going to be your special day—your birthday! Treat your self with utmost care. Go to the spa, get some hair-cut or get an amazing frozen yogurt with fruits.
You can go ahead and prioiritize more sleep and start the journey of meditation. Put on paper your goal of getting more sleep, light up scented candles in your room, and start doing deep breaths. Meditation enhances memory and overall well-being.
Whatever it is, treat yours self best and share the feeling of calmness to others.