It’s a unique time to be a career coach. As I scroll through my private FB group, I read words of concern and fear.
I’ve lost my job.
I’m still working but not sure how long.
I don’t know what to do from here.
It’s scary and I don’t know if I’ll get called back to work.
Welcome to the new normal. We have no idea what the future holds. But we do know that work is different now. And there’s a good chance it will be different forever. ..hey, change happens; we can do this!
We’ll pull through this crisis together. And when we do, we should be asking ourselves the question, “What will my new normal look like?”
The only thing we know for sure is that life as we know it has changed. And the bright side is, (okay yes, I’m reaching for the positive here) it’s giving us a little time to adjust. Call it a higher power or an inner wisdom, but the world has forced us to take a pause. To slow down, stay home, and stay safe.
This pause can either send us into a spiral of fear and anxiety. Or it can empower us to consider a new and brighter future. I vote for empowerment.
We can use this time to re-evaluate our values and prepare for a new beginning. This can be an exciting time where we take a look at the life we’ve been living and the work we’ve been doing.
In fact, it’s a perfect time to consider what we want our future to look like.
Here’s how:
1. Consider a pivot. Before this pandemic hit, had you ever thought of changing careers? You’re tired of the day-to-day grind. You feel anxiety and stress as you go about your day, but you’ve never been able to put your finger on why.
The stress and anxiety are real. We’re so busy that we often choose to ignore it. We deal with it. We workout and we meditate (or we try to meditate and feel even more stress when we can’t do it). Maybe it’s time for that change you’ve been considering for years.
2. Take a look at core values. Often, the stress and anxiety we experience at work is because our work doesn’t align with our values. We aren’t connected with a mission, and we don’t see a purpose. When work aligns with core values, there’s a renewed energy and passion each day.
This pause is a perfect time to consider what we do and why we do it. We can think about our purpose in life and how we want to express that purpose in our work.
3. Examine skill sets. We can use this time to examine our skill sets and determine where and how we want to use them. And while we’re at it, why not learn new skills? Or enhance your current ones. Take an online course, learn a language, build a skill. Having productive tasks to focus on will keep your spirit lifted.
4. Dedicate time to work on your future plan. It’s easy to get sucked into watching news all day. It’s important to stay informed, and it’s equally important to turn it off! Schedule some time each day to consider ways to prepare for and create your new normal.
When this pandemic is over, we don’t know what life will look like. We don’t know which industries will survive or what new ones will emerge. But we do know that we’re strong, resilient, and able to change on a dime.
We’re in this together. Let’s use this time in a positive way. Let’s empower our future and build a new dream.