Alcohol is the most consumed substance among the population. Its consumption is strongly linked to our culture and its perception of risk is low. For many young people, drinking alcohol is a practice strongly linked to weekend leisure and socialization. Phenomena such as the bottle or the binge drinking (consumption of large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time) have become established as a habitual weekend habit among adolescents and young people. The effects that derive from the intake of large amounts of alcoholic beverages in a short period of time are multiple and relatively frequent: drunkenness, fights, arguments and family conflicts, difficulties to study, etc.

What can we do mothers and fathers to prevent alcohol consumption?

There is no magic formula, but there are some guidelines for action that can help parents in this difficult task.

Teach behaviors and healthy habits

Attitudes favorable to one’s own care, promote a fluid communication and a positive affective family atmosphere, where attitudes of recognition and respect prevail, are some general guidelines of alcohol rehab that can help us.

It is also important to establish a coherent system of norms and limits Adapted to the age of our daughters and sons; help them develop critical attitudes, teach them to take responsibility and practice self-control resources, so that we favor their autonomy, their safety and can make decisions in a more responsible manner. It is also advisable to regulate our own consumption of alcohol (if we have it), carrying out a responsible, moderate and respectful consumption.

If there is already a suspicion of consumption

We must act prudently, assessing the size and severity of the problem, trying to adjust our reaction to the situation in a proportionate manner. It is important that we know the circumstances of consumption, know the type of relationship that our daughter or son is maintaining with alcohol (experimental, as fun, as a way of relating), and we must always bet on communication and dialogue.

It is normal to feel anguish, worry, and disorientation

But the loss of control, the alarmism, and the persecutory attitudes, only cause more anguish. That is why we must avoid accusations, the bombing of questions, surveillance attitudes, and overly rigid and coercive postures. Nor should we act with indifference to suspicion or evidence of consumption. It is not advisable to register belongings and rooms because the children live it as a betrayal of trust.

What happened last night? How to act before the first drunken

What to do before the first drunkenness? How to act? To address this difficult situation it is important to postpone the conversation for the next day when you are in a position to maintain a dialogue with all your attention. Keep calm; avoid dramatizing during the conversation but showing the seriousness that you understand that it is an issue that concerns us. We can start with an open question, type: “What happened last night?” It is important to explain without interrupting and without judging, avoiding at all times value judgments of the type: “You are an irresponsible person”.

During the conversation, we should try to know the reasons and the amount of alcohol consumption that he ingested. If we assess that you have little information about the risks of alcohol abuse, we will provide it and take the opportunity to reflect on it. And end the talk with a commitment of responsibility on the part of our daughter or son regarding the consumption of alcohol or alcohol detox in future leisure outings.
