You certainly must have already realized that the durability of the products we buy is no longer the same. Therefore, there is a need to be attentive in case you need appliance repair or some repairs at home. In fact, the devices have an expiration date and with misuse they end up breaking and failing much more often. This context requires that care be taken when cleaning and using the devices to ensure their longest useful life. In addition, it is necessary to make sure that the electrical part of the house is in perfect condition.

With that in mind, we have compiled a list containing the 5 household appliance repair newmarket that are most damaging, the factors that cause damage and some tips on how to prevent the repair of appliances, increasing the useful life of the appliances. Do you want to know all this? Continue reading and check it out!

1. Refrigerator

Despite the robust appearance, the refrigerator is an appliance that can present many problems – especially when maintenance and care protocols are not followed.

The first factor that should be noted is the method of transportation and displacement used to take the refrigerator from the store to your home. For example: the appliance must not be tilted more than 40 degrees, otherwise an oil leak will damage the refrigerator even before it is switched on.

2. Stove

The stove, another large appliance, deserves extra attention when it comes to gas installation. This is one of the biggest reasons for repair and, to ensure the proper functioning of the device, it is necessary to avoid the occurrence of accidents involving the gas leak.

Another important point is related to cleaning. The stove nozzles must be cleaned frequently, but with the utmost care to prevent clogging and damage to the ducts that release the gas. Often, the lack of care in cleaning clogs these channels, making the nozzles useless and making the household chores difficult for those who need to cook many foods at once.

In this case, the alternative is to call a service provider specializing in appliance repair that works directly with stove maintenance. He is the one who will do the cleaning correctly and thus unblock the nozzle in an appropriate and safe way.

3. Microwave

The microwave is a delicate appliance and, like appliances in general, requires a lot of attention to the instructions for use. Misuse of the microwave can cause both non-operation and serious accidents.

4. Washing machine

To avoid repairing your washing machine, some precautions should be taken. Some basic guidelines are: do not put weight on the top of the appliance and do not use cleaning products that are not appropriate and made specifically for washing clothes.

The use of products not indicated can irreversibly damage the internal parts of the washing machine. And speaking of that, it is essential to clean frequently the place where these products are deposited to prevent the accumulation of dirt and fungi.

5. Mixer

The mixer is a very practical appliance, as it is lighter than the blender, easier to clean and performs similar functions. However, the big mistake in relation to this device is to imagine that it has the necessary power to function as a portable blender.

The mixer does not withstand contact with very hot or difficult to crush foods, such as oilseeds. In addition, care must be taken when cleaning the appliance, as its motor is inserted into the body of the object and, therefore, cannot have direct contact with water.

The best way to clean the mixer is to use a cloth moistened with a solution of water and detergent, and the rinse should be done with a damp cloth. It is also worth noting that, due to its design, it is often not possible to repair the mixer and the only solution in case of defects is to buy another product.
