Learn a new skill
Keep yourself occupied with any of the things you’re passionate about. Learning a new skill has got many benefits:
- It keeps your learning muscle proactive.
- It helps you gain exposure to new experiences and opportunities
- It taps into your unknown potentials.
- It aids you to communicate, connect and engage better with people around you, and many more…
You stand a better chance of getting a promotion or incorporating a new income stream by having a growth mindset. Thereby you draw attention from people who look up to you and gain respect and admiration at the same time. Being a learning junkie will enable you to see things from different perspectives. And having a growth mindset will help you stay ahead of your competitors. In the biological terms, when you keep your learning muscle active, the myelin present in the white matter of the brain becomes even denser. This ensures that your learning speed increase, improves performances and fights boredom too.
Journal your progress every day
Journaling every morning is one of my morning rituals. Journaling helps you analyze where you spend most of your time. Also, it aids you to plan for the day ahead and to have positive self-talk! This is one of the effective ways to streamline your goals both in life and business. Dump all of your feelings and thoughts and get them out of your head by the method of journaling. You’ll feel relieved instantly when you put down your problems and challenges that you face or plans to overcome the issues at hand in a piece of paper. Journaling using software apps are also fine. But going the old school way to journal is the best way to do it. This has many benefits like it rewires your brain to conquer the issues at hand and moreover, unlike journaling based software nobody can make it go viral as it’s done using a pen and paper. You can use it as an outlet to process your ideas, thoughts, emotions and feelings. Writing down your plans in a journal will help you achieve your goals and bring it to physical reality.
Watch some of your favorite shows and movies
At sharp 8:30 pm, I watch my favorite TV show that’s telecasted on the weekdays. Watching your favorite shows or sitcoms will help you overcome loneliness and anxiety. It connects you with your favorite character that’s been played and makes you feel good about yourself. Also, it brings a sense of belongingness.
Reconnect with your dear ones
It could be anybody. I don’t know whether it’s your parents, friends, romantic partner or colleagues that are close to you. Talk and reconnect with whoever you feel comfortable with. Choose whichever mode you want to tune into. Trust me, you’ll feel relaxed and happy by the end of that call or video conference. Keeping a check on those who are dear to you will also increase your level of intimacy and bonding with them. Reconnecting with your close ones will maximize your as well as their personal well being.
Include any form of physical fitness activity in your routine
It could be anything from yoga to powerlifting or anything in between. See which form of physical activity interests you and make it as a habit to practice it every day with consistency. If not every day at least 3 to 4 times a week. Having a fitness routine is good for you as it helps in gaining self-confidence and keeps you motivated all day. It keeps you in good shape and you can protect yourself from chronic diseases and disorders that people usually are affected by, as they grow older. As a result, your life span will also increase. Imposing this activity in your day to day routine will also boost your mood and energy and help in better sleep management.
Nature gazing
This is one of the cost-effective methods to feel good instantly and nothing can surpass the power of nature in this regard. Take a stroll near your residence or go on a hike to witness yourself the soothing and calming effect of nature. Your contact with natural elements and their sensory experiences will improve your cognitive performance, focus, level of happiness and overall well being. It relieves you from depression, stress and anxiety easily. You need not go out to experience the relaxing effect on your body, although it’s recommended. You can use a picture of nature if going out is not possible in your case. Or you can use the terrace or the backyard to gaze at nature. You can also place indoor plants at your home or workspace to have a positive impact around you.