Have you ever noticed people doing their life’s work? These are people who you can tell are “in their element”? They are the people who light up a room, inspire you, and their passion is almost contagious. What if you could be more of that person and open up the door to let others be that, too?
It starts with one simple step.
You are Gifted
Each of us has a unique gift. Some know exactly what their gifts, talents, skills, passions, and inclinations are while others are still trying to figure theirs out. If you fall in the tribe of the latter, know you’re not alone. Step one is to simply to know your gifts.
Wanna Know How to Know?
Often times the noise and distractions all around us distract us from seeing the gifts and passions that we have. It might be a job that has become so stressful that it hasn’t left you a spare minute to do anything else. Or perhaps you find yourself in routine and monotonous job that has left you burnt out and has silenced the joy of exploring and doing more of the things that you once enjoyed. So, here are four questions to help you discover what your gifts and talents might be:
- What have others complimented you on, noticed about you, or provided you positive feedback on?
- Are there specific volunteer, community, or organizational projects are you quick to sign up for or gravitate towards?
- What are some things you previously did, but aren’t currently doing?
- What have you always wanted to do more of?
When you’ve got dormant gifts and talents lurking within you, they often beg to shine! It’s that feeling voice inside that says, “I feel like I should be doing X, want to be more connected with Y, or gosh, I loved doing Z”. The “things” that when you think about them or do them, they make your heart come alive. These are your “gifts” and your job is not to let them lie dormant.
They don’t always have to be used in mighty ways in all seasons but they need to be used. It might be how you serve, teach, lead, make, create, communicate, connect, bake, engage others, listen, encourage, or help. If you can’t do them in supersize ways now, doing them in bite size moments to share these gifts will give you the spark you need and appetite to share more.
It’s Your Job to Unleash the Best in You
Remember that it’s not the job of your kids or your employer to bring out the best in you. It’s your job to unleash the best in you and let it shine it light around you. Know your gifts and use them. Once you have an idea of what yours are, verbally share them with a boss, a coworker, a spouse, an organization, a team, or anyone really! Get comfortable and confident in your gift(s). You never know how the world might just be standing at the door knocking waiting for you to open it and let you gifts walk through. Secondly, commit to using your gifts in small or mighty ways because without the commitment, it’s just a thought that lies dormant waiting to burst forth into action and bear fruit.
The World Needs Your Gifts
Thank God that we don’t all have the same gifts, the same talents, the same skills. – what a boring world that would be. The world needs whatever gifts you have to offer. You need YOUR gifts and to know that you’re using them.
So go ponder on your gifts today. What are the the underutilized and dormant gifts you have? Ask yourself “why” they’re staying hidden. Then, come up with at least ten ways (yes, 10!) that you can leverage them. When you move past the first and second way to use more of your gifts on your list, you invite your untapped, creative brain to the table. Your excuses slowly begin to fade and your possibilities to do more of what lights you up increase.
As you begin to share more your gifts and talents, you begin to bring out that in others, too. You become one of the “the balcony people” cheering others on, calling out the best in others, helping them show up on their stage of life doing what they were born to do. You become that contagious cheerleader for life and inspire that spark in others, too.