This is week 1 of a 4 weeks series on Alchemy of the Elements with Li-Sann
By Li-Sann Mullings RN
This week we will explore the Element of Water
Did you Know ;
That our connection to the 4 primary Elements; Water, Earth, Air & Fire offer a powerful pathway to rebalancing our emotional, physical, mental and energetic bodies.?
Having worked in the Spa & Wellness Industry for close to 3 decades, I have discovered from my work with clients that the emotional, physical, mental, and energy bodies each hold the vibration of & is aligned with one of the 4 primary Elements.
Working with the Elements can and do support us in releasing heavy, dense energy like anger, sadness, grief etc stuck in one of these 4 bodies.
Einstein said that” everything in the Universe is made up of energy, frequency, and vibration.” So not only are we made up of these components, but also every thought, words, events etc, in short any and everything that we encounter are also made up of energy, frequency and vibration.
Over time our 4 bodies can become inundated with not just our personal heavy energetic deposits, but we also take on the energetic sludge within our environments. The 4 Elements of Water, Earth, Air & Fire when used in specific ways can be powerful resources that support us to cleanse, purify, release, renew, ground, rebirth, transmute, and shift to higher states of consciousness.
We carry each of the 4 elements within us, they recognize us as “Self”, and when we in turn recognize them in the same way, and actively partner with them, then transformation of an Alchemical nature happens.
Today we are going to focus on the Element of Water, which governs the emotional body. The emotional body influences the solar plexus, heart center, and throat chakras. Water contains aspects of the other 3 Elements within it, and is the most plentiful of the elements, covering about 71% of the Earth’s surface. As humans, we too are mainly water, with 70% of our body, 73% of our heart and brain, and 83% of our lungs composed of water. Even our bones are watery. It could truthfully be said “ I am Water, and Water is Me”.
Water is one of the essential Elements for survival, life could not exist without it, it is one of conception, and nurturing of new life. It is the Element of constant, slow, and steady movement, it facilitates birth, and supports us during times of rebirth.
In contemporary esoteric traditions, it is commonly associated with the qualities of emotion and intuition. It is also the perfect antidote to restore harmony and flow to the emotional body.
I will now share with you an Energetic Visualization practice to rebalance your Emotional Body. This practice can be used anywhere, even in a busy airport lounge.
Close your eyes and take 3 deep calming breaths. Inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the nose.
Now see yourself standing in a beautiful meadow. Just your intention is enough.
Feel the grass under your feet, the wind in your hair, and the sun gently dappling your skin.
Hear the sound of a gentle waterfall to the right of you.
Make your way over, and step under this waterfall.
Begin to feel the water pouring down into the top of your head, and running down your body, like a gentle rain, removing any dross from the surface of your skin.
With your intention release any heavy emotional pain points that you are holding, like you are making an offering to the water.
Allow this release for as long as you’d like. Then gently step out of the waterfall.
Take 3 deep cleansing breaths, reconnect fully with your body, and the space around you, and gently open your eyes.
Use this meditation anytime you are feeling overwhelmed with sadness, grief, anger, or in need of an emotional reset.