Are you wondering how you can become better at work? Self-evaluation provides you with a chance to identify your key strengths, weaknesses, areas needing improvements, and opportunities for growth that will help you excel further at work. The process also looks at your emotional well-being by answering whether you derive fulfillment from what you do. The purpose of self-evaluation at work is to have an assurance as to what could lead you to future success in your role and additional pay for each ounce of work done. Asking a boss to advise you on what you need to do to become better can open you up to criticisms that may hurt your present opportunities or accelerate your growth with new opportunities.
In a performance review survey conducted by a pair of Stanford University professors, they found out that 43 percent of the time, men received vague praises for work done than 57 percent to women counterparts. The study further revealed that women are less likely to have their performance linked to tangible company results versus their male counterparts. Personal biases play a crucial role in performance reviews based on who is offering the review. Two leading suggestions can improve how you self-evaluate at work.
Seek feedback from your manager regularly
In companies that conduct annual performance reviews, you may be accustomed to annual check-ins with your managers, specifically on target action items. What was discussed last year might not be rememberable presently. Brushing past each other daily does not also provide a chance for constructive feedback. It would be best to schedule a 15 minutes per month session with your manager to look through your month-on-month growth and what needs to be improved.
Keep a performance register
As you plan on month-on-month evaluations, you must begin by setting priorities for the year, the quarter, and monthly. Breaking down targets ensures that your monthly sessions are productive and journals down your accomplishments from month to month. A record provides your manager a chance to see you in action and constantly mention what you have achieved so far. Keep a particular folder where you carefully jot down your session outcomes and share them with your manager. This way, when end-of-year evaluations are in the offing, your manager already has the ammunition to push your case forward for a pay rise or promotion.