With stay-at-home orders in place due to the spread of COVID-19, many people — myself included — are finding comfort in their screens. Video chats with friends and family, for example, are a way to cope with social isolation, and viral videos on social media and binge-worthy television series are a welcome distraction from all the disturbing news. Regardless of those benefits, too much screen time can take a toll on a person’s well-being. Aware that my screen time use has taken a turn for the worse, I’ve tried some small, science-backed Microsteps to help set boundaries with my screens during this challenging time. Watch the full video above to see how I did it, and to learn some technology distancing tips for yourself.


  • Alexandra Hayes

    Content Director, Product & Brand, at Thrive

    Alexandra Hayes is a Content Director, Product & Brand, at Thrive. Prior to joining Thrive, she was a middle school reading teacher in Canarsie, Brooklyn.