Every day we have a fresh opportunity to reset, to learn from the lessons in the past and set our trail for the future ahead.
What do see when you take some time to envision the kind of life you want to create for yourself, including what you want to create in your career?
As the master of your life, you know your preferences. With your desires and vision, how can you leverage all you know now to get from here to there? What needs to happen?
The following piece is an excerpt from my #1 bestselling book released October 2017, Fearless Women at Work: Five Powerful Strategies to Thrive in Your Career and Life!
The Magic of Leaning on Your Vision and Desires
What needs to happen for your vision to come true? What needs to happen for you to thrive?
You see, when you adopt a being strategy, you can begin to thrive right now, at this moment. You don’t have to do anything in order to thrive.
The second you give yourself permission to own your situation and current conditions, you’re thriving by harnessing your personal power, your ability to tap into all your resources and act.
From there on, it’s just a matter of taking small steps, anchored in your preferences, choices, and soul’s desires, to inch closer and closer to manifest what you want in your life and in the world.
How to Break It Down into Sizable Chunks
When you apply the Align Strategy [Section 2 of the book] and begin to clarify what you want and assess where you are today, your gaps and real challenges become clearer.
You also can look at your limiting beliefs and how they may be holding you back from taking action. When you consider both—the real challenges and limiting beliefs [the fictitious challenges]—what would make the biggest difference in your life in the short term, say, in the next twelve months?
Consider these questions:
What can you change within yourself or about yourself that’s completely under your influence?
What can you learn that can help you take a small step toward creating the life your soul desires?
What changes do you want to effect in your career within the next year?
What can you begin to do, or stop doing, or continue doing with respect to the other areas in your life—your family and friends, your romantic relationships, fun and recreation, your health and wellness, your personal growth and spirituality, and your physical environment?
You can make meaningful progress, including internal progress, such as increasing your mindfulness, reducing the negative self-talk, and cultivating your compassion, self-love, and self-care.
Give yourself permission to be imperfect. Cultivate your gratitude for all the blessings in your life. These are all tractable, short-term goals with vision and soul.
Add to these internally focused, short-term goals anything else that you desire to do externally—increase your marketable skills, enhance your leadership attributes, clarify your value proposition, build 360◦ relationships, leverage company-sponsored programs that create more flexibility around work—and ignore the presumed stigma that leveraging them may position us poorly in the eyes of line managers.
What Is The Benefit in Every Day Life?
For me, being in a whole new field and career at this juncture in my life, being a certified professional coach was never part of the “plan.” But as my passion grew to help others and to make a significant contribution in this world, I began to clearly see the steps that I needed to take, and I allowed myself to be guided, exploring and learning as I navigated these unchartered waters.
What I am crystal clear about today is where my skills and passions lie. Combined with my career experience and other life experiences, I realize I have a wealth of knowledge and gifts to share to elevate other women and leaders. I can appreciate the flexibility of running my own business and integrating my work schedule with my son’s schedule and how much joy that brings me.
I’m creating my future; I am creating my reality, and it’s vastly different from what it used to be. And the uncertainty associated with it has been way out of my comfort zone. Indeed, it seems very scary at times. I sometimes even question whether I made the right choice….And when I do, I feel reassured, a feeling deep inside that tells me everything is as it should be.
During those fleeting moments of doubt, I’m gently reminded that living life on my own terms is truly living my life’s purpose and expanding the walls of my box as far as I can tolerate at each stage of growth.
And by cultivating my core feminine energy, letting go, and embracing the belief that a higher power is guiding what is happening, I trust that what is happening is happening for me, not to me.
How to Set Goals with Vision and Soul in A Nutshell
Fearlessly, what’s really the advantage here?
It’s about improving our well-being and integrating various aspects of life successfully rather than living in fear of (what others might think or how they might react, failure, losing out on love, etc.).
In the long term, what does a thriving life look like, and what would need to happen for you to get there?
When you break it down into sizable chunks, you can manage more easily, you can delineate based on your priorities and preferences what’s going to work for you.
Go ahead, picture it. And begin to create one goal at a time, making sure each one is guided by your vision and your soul’s desire.
In the meantime…
Be fearless! (act despite the fear)
Ginny A. Baro is a Fortune 100 executive coach for talented professionals at all levels of management, a speaker, and #1 bestselling author of Fearless Women at Work. For more of her work, join her community to receive valuable strategies delivered to your inbox and access today a free chapter of her new book on how to tap into your unique leadership style, career and life ambition, earning power, and more! Read other articles on her blog, get a copy of her new book, and join her courageous conversations on GCA Studios. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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Originally published at https://www.fearlesswomenatwork.com/single-post/2018/01/08/How-to-Set-Goals-with-Vision-and-Soul