Is it difficult to find valid answers to the question, “why we take things personally?”

Taking everything so personally is a symbol of low on self- confidence. Taking things personally is emotional outburst happens mostly because you might be overthinking to the words or reactions of others or you do not understand things in positively.

If we dig deep into the behavior of these people, you will know:

  • They never have positive evaluations for themselves.
  • They always found certain flaws/ weaknesses in their personality.
  • They consider all comments as an attack on their defects.
  • They are very insecure and concern about what others will think about them.
  • They think others act and words are all about them.
  • They never welcome opinions and ideas of others. It’s a reflection of their lack of self-confidence. Somewhere inside, it may emphasize your damaging thoughts about yourself.


How to improve your life by not taking things personally?

Understand that someone’s rudeness is not about you :

If someone is impolite it might be the consequences of their personal disputes. They might be having a bad day, going through a tough time, or it might just be their character. You should know that their rudeness is not okay and it’s not your mistake.

Get to the root of your reaction:

Writing down your emotions can help you to know them well, and help you to identify main reason behind you thinking process. Try to answer this question in your diary: “Why do I take everything so personally?”. Responsibly mention whatever your thoughts are. Stay honest with inner you and write down everything you’re thinking and feeling. You will understand the root of this attitude

Work on your Self-Confidence:

Self-confidence can help you to ignore the comments and actions of other people taking personally. The more you are confident, the faraway you are from this situation. If your confidence is low, you’re likely to believe at any negative remark people talk about you because somewhere at the back of your mind you are afraid that what they’re saying is correct. You can listen to motivational videos or can find a certified life coach to gain self-confidence faster.

Don’t jump to conclusions too quickly:

Try not to make any assumptions about judgment or verbal dispute apparently directed at you. Maybe it’s not about you at all, but about them and their own observations. Actually, it’s just about them, their problems, their requirements, and their need to manage you and/or a situation.

Remember your sore experiences as learning to become stronger and to turn negative circumstances. Do not allow them make you annoyed or harsh, use them to make you improved and move on.