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It doesn’t matter how successful you were in high school because as you make a transition to college, it doesn’t automatically apply. Everyone starts college on a new page, coupled with other life obligations and decisions.
This article is meant to equip you with tips to help you thrive in college; it is not intended to take away the joy and excitement that comes with joining college. So don’t worry. Below are tips prepared by me for essaywritingsolutions.co.uk that will be critical to you in the first few weeks of college and will shape the rest of your life.
Tips to Help You Survive and Thrive in Your Freshman Year
1. Attend orientations
Orientations are meant to guide you around campus and help you adjust to college life. The more you attend to them, the more prepared you will be.
2. Know your roommate and connect with classmates
Most of them are going through the similar new experiences and identical emotions. Take time to know them, some of them will be your safety net in college and remain longtime friends. Classmates are crucial in helping you in your studies and a resource in case you miss a class.
3. Get organized
Unlike high school, in college, there is no one to lead you through homework and expected deadlines. College professors will often post anticipated assignments turnaround timelines at the beginning of a semester. You will need to be prepared to meet these deadlines, use an organizer or an app.
4. Choose an ideal place to study
Find a comfortable and quiet place to study; it may be your dorm room or the library. Avoid any distractions.
5. Attend classes
Avoid sleeping in and other temptations to miss classes. You will lose a lot from your professors.
6. Be conversant with coursework expectations
After spending invaluable time preparing the coursework, professors expect you to be well versed in it and won’t tolerate any lame excuses for not meeting their expectations.
7. Meet your professors
Take advantage of the time professors have set aside to meet students. You will acquire critical insights especially when you’re having difficulties.
8. Know your academic advisor and other professionals
Academic advisors are important in guiding you through academic choices to fit your desired career path. They are key resources take advantage of them and consider changing them if need be.
Take advantage of different services centers on campus when a need arises, maybe it health or counseling center.
9. Balance your college life
Balance carefully between academic and social life, don’t lean too far on either one.
10. Join select groups
You will learn new skills, feel more connected and make new friends by joining select groups like sports teams and students organizations.
11. Endeavor to get good grades
Remember you have to work extra hard in college to achieve good grades. Set achievable goals and work towards them.
12. Utilize resources on campus
Form study groups and take advantage of all other resources available to you, e.g. labs and tutors.
13. Set personal time
Be good to yourself and take a break from academic and social life. Catch a movie or a favorite TV show. It calms you and takes away the stress.
14. Don’t make hasty career decisions
Take time, explore your options, and discover who you are and what career path best suits you.
15. Take personal responsibility
Be an adult own up to your mistakes and don’t blame others.
16. Take advantage of the Career Services office
Career services office staff are invaluable professionals in guiding you through preparing and planning your future path, make sure to utilize their services.
17. Prioritize your life
Don’t be last minute people; complete your assignments in time. Stick to your deadlines.
18. Stay healthy
To combat college stress and juggle various commitments, you must keep a healthy lifestyle. Maintain a healthy diet, get enough sleep and exercise regularly.
19. Learn to combat homesickness
Making phone calls or sending an email is effective in dealing with the inevitable homesickness.
20. Commit staying on campus
Try to spend as much time as possible. Orient your life on campus life, schedules and new college friends. This way you will adapt to campus life faster.
21. Be conscious of your spending
Create a prudent budget for yourself; try to stretch your finances avoiding credit card debts.
22. Work hard and be honest
You learn little from cramming and nothing in cheating on term papers. Avoid such habits.
Final Advice
No preparation can prepare you for campus experience. At times, it will seem a bit too much remember you’re not alone.
Enjoy your campus life, utilize the network of new friends and professors, have fun and learn as much as you can.
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What Campus Mental Health Centers Are Doing to Keep Up With Student Need
If You’re a Student Who’s Struggling With Mental Health, These 7 Tips Will Help
The Hidden Stress of RAs in the Student Mental Health Crisis