Every human being wants to be happy in life! However, not every time situations and incidents work out in our favor. And there can be many circumstances that result in a setback, leading to unhappiness. According to studies, when a person is happy, they are their best mental health status. Unhappiness or feeling sad can often affect our mental health that we are unaware of. For instance, prolonged sadness or despair can often result in shrinking the brain and losing grey matter. Hence, it is essential to take care of your mental health when you’re unhappy.
A few guidelines by Martin Polanco
Bouts of unhappiness or sadness that last for a short while are common in life. That doesn’t impact the mind and body negatively. However, when you are unhappy for a prolonged period, you need to start taking care of your mental health. Here are a few valuable tips:
- Confide in a friend or a dear one
According to many studies, people typically tend to talk a lot or not share anything when they are unhappy. Both are unhealthy habits that can block the mind. Talking excessively can make a person escape the core issue. And staying silent can result in suppressed emotions. Hence, it is essential to confide in a friend or a dear one and have a hearty conversation about the incident that made you unhappy. That way, you will lose the negative charge associated with the core event and gradually be able to move away from your state of unhappiness.
- Refrain from over-procrastination
Thinking is a good exercise for the brain! However, when you over-procrastinate or get caught up in thought loops, you do more harm to your mental health than you can imagine. It will result in excess stress and apprehension, taking away your ability to think positively or constructively. It can also result in distraction and will affect your ability to work productively. You might fail in successfully doing your daily chores.
- Search for your feel-good factors
Everyone has a set of activities or things that makes them feel good says, Martin Polanco. Hence, when you’re unhappy, make sure that you search for things and activities that add to your happiness and do it frequently. It could be anything from listening to music, cooking, baking to watching a television show. It helps to ease the mind and release happy hormones. It will help you to cope better and boost your mental health.
- Don’t compromise on sleep.
Studies have shown that when people are unhappy, they tend to ruminate the whole night and compromise on their sleep and rest. It is something that you shouldn’t do as a sound sleep impacts your mental and physical health. People with erratic sleep often are moody, feel fatigued and tired. A night of good sleep will help you to cope up better with your sadness.
At times, feelings of unhappiness take time to surpass! During this time, it’s a challenge to take care of your mental health. Here the guidelines mentioned above can be helpful.