Productivity is one of the most important components of any job. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in your life. The work still needs to get done. Your boss and clients don’t care if you’re in the middle of renovations or the relocation process. Many people are currently having to move from their homes to temporary and permanent residences while still working remotely. Thankfully, there are a few tips you can adopt in order to thrive at remote work while you’re relocating. 

Work in spurts

If you are someone who can work for hours on end without stopping, go for it. Chances are this isn’t the case for many people. When you’re in the process of relocating, it’s not uncommon to deal with questions and interruptions. This is why it’s best to find segments of time that you can complete focus on work. If this means that you work for an hour at a time, chances are you can get a lot more work done in four hours of total focus throughout the day.

Eliminate distractions

If you already know that social media apps are sore spots for your productivity, take time to delete the apps from your phone. If listening to instrumental music really helps you focus as you work, put on your headphones and get to work. When you’re distracted, you might be tempted to try and multitask. However, that’s a great way to produce subpar work.

Create a specific workspace

When most people move into new homes, they’ve already decided what each room will be used for. If you have movers who will be bringing items into the house, label the boxes so they know which rooms to bring items to. While this is happening, you can work in your new office space in order to get work done while the movers are working.

Use a hotspot

Most phone companies offer services that allow you to turn your smartphone into a hotspot. This is extremely convenient when you’re in the midst of the moving process for one main reason. When you’re moving, you have to cut the internet service at your old residence, and you have to get it connected in your new home. This process sounds easy, but scheduling and installation take time. Keeping a strong hotspot will allow you to work in spite of home internet connection.

Even though the relocation process can be rather stressful, do your best to avoid placing a ton of pressure on yourself. Besides, you don’t want to get to a point where you become paralyzed because you’re so stressed out. Be intentional with pacing yourself through the process in order to grant yourself grace. As you do these things, you’ll develop a good rhythm in order to help yourself thrive in spite of what’s happening around you.