By Ashley Stahl, Originally Published in Forbes

You love your company. You love the people. You love the benefits. You love being part of a team with a powerful mission to drive positive change…But you don’t love your job.

This is not an uncommon feeling. Companies are putting more effort into improving corporate culture to retain and engage employees. But is all that free food and flex time off really giving you fulfillment?

I recently coached a client, Patrick, who resonated all too well with this feeling.

“I can’t imagine walking away from this place, the people I work with and what we are designing is incredible,” Patrick said when we first sat down to talk. “I just know there isn’t any growth in my job and it’s not where I want to focus my time. I feel pretty torn up about what to do.”

There was no doubt, he didn’t want to leave his company, but knew the current job didn’t align with his long term goals and authentic career aspirations. So we set out to find him an internal role that was a better fit.

Do you relate to this? It’s totally understandable!

Applying for an internal role can be a tricky road to navigate and following these tips will help drive a smooth application and acceptance process.

Tip #1: Seek Before You Apply

Even if you’re already working in the company, networking still matters. That means making time to connect with your colleagues, and expand your relationships with employees on other relevant teams. In fact, studies show that 85% of jobs are filled through networking. You’re already halfway there being in the company…Make a point to use your lunch break as an opportunity to connect with other people at work. Set up a time to grab coffee or have a formal meeting with different employees to gain a better understanding of their roles.

Also, make sure to take advantage of corporate happy hours or networking events to connect with people who are in the role or team you want to join. Never forget to ask probing questions to gain insight into the role, responsibilities and working group.

Research whether your company offers job rotation programs. If they do, you may have the opportunity to spend a year or two moving through multiple roles to learning what works best for you. This is an area with major growth as companies like the NFL and Deloitte are starting to offer job rotation to increase employee retention and grow talent. This information is likely listed somewhere within your corporate website portal or handbook. If one doesn’t exist, make a proposal to start one. This will not only give you an opportunity to move within roles, but also showcase your initiative to help the company grow!

Tip #2: Be Transparent With Your Current Manager

Your manager will have to find out you’re looking to transition internally at some point. That’s why it’s better to be crystal clear with your intentions before they find out from someone else, as that will burn two bridges. The last thing you want is for the HR rep to tell your manager you have a new job.

Plus, when you share this candidly, you can solicit their support as your manager can be the best sponsor or reference for any job you’re applying for within the company. Outline the goals you have with this decision, the reasons that lead you to apply, and provide reassurance that you are committed to your current role during the process.

Tip #3: Take The Interview Seriously

Don’t assume you have the job in the bag simply because you already work for the company. The average job opening receives 250 applications, so you’ll likely be up against external applicants who are going to enter their interview in full force. Rise to the occasion and use your internal knowledge to your advantage.

Talk about projects you have worked on with the team you are applying to join. Connect your current role to the new role. Be prepared for difficult interview questions.

Tip #4: Make A Strong Follow Through

Use good old fashioned manners and send a thank you note. Aside from being polite, it is an opportunity to put your name in front of everyone one last time. Send the interviewer(s) a follow-up email within 48 hours of the interview. Mailing by post can be a lost opportunity, the position debrief and selection could happen right after your interview, and they may think you forgot to follow up.

Surveys have shown that managers are 22% less likely to hire someone if they do not receive a follow-up thank you. Take the time to personalize it and show your genuine interest in the position.  

Tip #5: The Interview Doesn’t Stop After The Interview

On average it takes five to six weeks to get a job offer. That is a great deal of time where you can still be making an impression on your future team and manager. Continue to show commitment to your current role and engagement within the company.

If you get the job, be sure to show gratitude and thanks towards your current manager prior to the transition. For example, help them hire a backfill and be willing and ready to train them prior to your transition.

If you do not get the job, look at the experience as a learning opportunity and move forward gracefully. Opportunities will present themselves in the future and people will remember how you handled yourself. Spend some time self-reflecting on how the interview process went, ask yourself what could you have done to better prepared, how did you present yourself, what skills are you in need of to gain this role in the future. Most importantly, have a dialog with your current manager on how to improve your current role and prepare for future growth.

Patrick worked through his major hesitations on admitting his current role dissatisfaction to his manager. But we worked through it, he took the risk and was able to garner his manager’s support. A few months later he secured the job he wanted without leaving the company he had grown to love and respect.

Don’t be afraid to seek opportunities internally if you really love where you are. Take control of your career growth and go for it!

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  • I'm a career coach, keynote speaker, podcast host (You Turn Podcast) and author, here to help you step into a career you're excited about and aligned with. This may look like coaching you 1:1, hosting you in one of my courses, or meeting you at one of workshops or keynote speaking engagements! I also own CAKE Media, a house of ghostwriters, copywriters, publicists and SEO whizzes that help companies and influencers expand their voice online. Before being an entrepreneur, I was an award-winning counterterrorism professional who helped the Pentagon in Washington, DC with preparing civilians to prepare for the frontlines of the war on terror.