It’s amazing how many of us get trapped by the way we use our minds and yet we’re not even aware of it. Although our writing capabilities are endless, our minds often put bars on that potential. Te need for security causes us to become attached to negativity and perceive limitations as real. Truth be told, the limitations we writers have are defined by the way we use our minds.
When we have setbacks, it looks and feels as if life is treating us badly. It’s possible that we can become so accustomed to seeing ourselves as losers that self-victimization and self-pity become habitual ways of thinking. We imprison ourselves by putting these bars around us.
It’s important for us to understand that it’s our limited view of ourselves that limits our success, not the objective situation. Once we discover that we have the key to the chains that bind us, our writing lives change for the better.
Today’s Takeaway:
Unlock the shackles you’ve put on yourself and don’t let bad writing outcomes imprison your thoughts and feelings about yourself and your writing ability.
Rejection and disappointment can nibble away at us until it feels like death from half a million cuts. After a while, it feels as if we’re bleeding to death and can’t tolerate one more slash.
But I’m here to tell you that we can. The acclaimed thriller writer, Steve Berry, rose to success after twelve years and eighty-five rejections. After constant rejection and disillusionment, many successful writers describe a second wind, as if they’re running a marathon, just before they’re ready to give up. A sudden jolt of electricity sizzles through us, and we’re filled with renewed energy and determination.
When you’re ready to give up, remember you always have more resilience inside than you realize. If you give up, you’ll never know if you had it in you to pull it off. Are you sick about not knowing about your life? Tat’s a tough question to live with. Are you prepared to always wonder if you could’ve done the job? Can you hang in for a second wind and learn how much more you’re capable of?

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