Let’s rattle the cage and free the bird within.
Let’s inspire how to raise consciousness.
What if l said that leadership is disseminating empowerment beyond yourself.
May be, leadership is the awakening of human consciousness.
Perhaps, leadership is the people.
So, what’s missing from our leadership?
The ability to understand the psychology of influence.
The ability to inspire within and beyond ourselves.
We are the people.
You are the leader they are looking for.
They are calling you.
If you have not worked it out. Leadership is a calling.
The ability to recognize the kool-aid that many are drinking.
The responsibility of interrupting world view patterns.
Inspiring people to take the risk and go there.
Inspire them to fly out of the cage and rattle the status quo.
Leaders create leaders.
Inspire you, so through you, others ignite their inspiration.
If not now, when?
Angela Kambouris Consultancy — let’s connect
Originally published at www.huffingtonpost.com on September 4, 2016.
Originally published at medium.com