Online employment has been one of the greatest changes in the workforce in recent years. Since 2006, daily work at home has risen by 140 per cent almost ten times higher than the majority of the population or self-employed. Organizations are finding multiple advantages of facilitating remote employment, including access to a wider pool of expertise, improved workforce satisfaction, and enhanced employee participation.
Employers also understand that remote work needs some extra foresight to achieve these goals, beginning with the employee on boarding process. Many companies have successful on-board processes for their office-based staff, but they frequently do not translate well into remote workers — which can cost you motivation and innovation. Employees who have a disappointing initial on-board experience are twice as likely to search for fresh jobs in the near future. If you wish to keep your remote employees, it is essential that you integrate your on-board employee software to ensure the productivity of this special group of individuals.
Provide them with a virtual friend
Partnering your new recruits with a professional employee is a perfect way to help them get acclimatized to the company. Compared to a counselor or a consultant, the position of a friend is much less formal. Office-based workers usually benefit from some input on the dress code, nice lunch spots, and where to buy office supplies. However, scattered workers also have concerns about how to handle remote jobs. For example, they may need instructions on buying office space or advice about how to distinguish work – from – home life.
Make them feel like they are part of the community
Although 86 per cent of people choose to work on their own to optimize productivity, remote work may make others feel lonely. In the workplace climate, new employees are expected to meet with peers on a workplace tour on their first day, as well as in the work rooms and at company gatherings over time. This doesn’t translate well for remote employees who spend little to no time in the workplace.
It’s necessary to find different ways to add new remote recruits, starting with the signing of the letter of acceptance. Notify the team anytime a new contractor signs their offer letter, and invite them to reach out by email, Slack, or LinkedIn to say hello and welcome them to the team. Invite new recruits to join you for a simulated coffee or brunch session during their first day and discuss their new colleagues using a video conferencing tool that you can compare here Webinarjam vs Gotowebinar vs Zoom. Offer them a shout at your lunch, or in your regular newsletters. This red carpet experience makes the virtual staff feel as though they’re part of that team.
A virtual on-boarding process will help ensure that the workers have the resources they need to be effective. Give them office furniture and offer them a stipend to set up their office. Build an email account, connect it to the necessary Slack networks, and allow it access to your internal wiki. Asking them how to get in touch with machinery or technological issues and teach them how to use each platform. Teach them how to function absolutely remotely. Be specific about priorities and goals, and set deadlines, targets and timelines. Check-in schedule for days 7, 15, 30, 60 and 90. Gather input to constantly enhance the virtual on-boarding operation, leave no room for doubt.
On-boarding is the first experience that a potential recruit will have on any organization — and you have a chance to do things right. Support your virtual teams are effective and more linked to the company by tailoring an on-board platform to address their particular needs and challenges. As it stands, 65% of businesses have remote employees, but 60% do not have remote programs. If remote work continues to expand, the development of playbooks that guide fully committed workers that is willing to retain and commit for many years will become extremely relevant.