The constant evolution of technology increasingly facilitates the possibility of working from home. Depending on your job position, you can carry out a greater or lesser percentage of your work from home by using web co-browsing. But the most important thing to keep in mind when working is just the organization. Getting the most out of your time will make a difference in your success.

1. Prepare your work area

While it is obvious that a work area must be clean and free from noise and distraction, there are many more factors to consider. It is very important to ventilate the work area several times a day for a few minutes. Fresh air will renew the oxygen in the room and increase your activity level.

Adequate lighting reduces eye strain and directly influences productivity. Try to work in natural light whenever possible. Don’t forget to maintain an adequate temperature. A lot of heat numbs and slows down the work, too cold blocks your activity.

2. Schedule a calendar and stick to it

The organization of tasks can be done daily, weekly or monthly depending on the planning capacity that your work allows. Still, every morning make sure to set the duration time of each task and try to stick to that scheme. Thus, you can continue a working day without extensions, but always meeting the objectives.

Remember to include short 10 minute breaks every hour. Although it may seem like a waste of time when there is a lot to do, these little breaks will make your work hours much more productive. Use these breaks to ventilate the room, move around a bit, and look for water.

3. Eliminate distractions

When you work with your computer it is very easy to fall into the temptation of social networks. Although it seems that it will only take you a couple of minutes, it is not, you will break your work scheme, your level of concentration and therefore your level of productivity. Try to leave these distractions for your breaks.

Your mobile phone can also be a great distraction if it’s not the phone you use to work, leave it on another table with all notifications silent and only active incoming calls in case you receive an important call. If there are more people at home during your workday, make sure they respect your work schedules as much as possible.

4. Have a healthy work attitude

As I mentioned before, the cleaning, ventilation and lighting of your work area influence the quality of work and therefore its effectiveness. But there are more things to consider, one of them is what we eat and drink during the workday.

A good diet makes us think faster, have a better mood, increase our memory and help us to concentrate better. Make sure you eat essential fatty acids (fish), foods rich in proteins (eggs, nuts, meats) foods rich in vitamins and minerals (cheese, egg yolk, fatty fish) and above all, drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day. It should be noted that the midday meal should not be abundant. A short walk before returning to work will be of great help.

5. Your time costs money

When working from home on co browse we lose track of time, this makes us work disorganized and therefore we devalue our time (we are losing money). In addition to following your calendar to the table, you should think of your time as if you paid those hours to an employee since what you do not do in your working hours and have to do it in your free time, will be a cost for the profitability of your time and for your personal life, which in the long run, will affect the effectiveness of your working hours.

These tips will greatly improve your productivity and once you notice the results, you will be encouraged to continue fighting for bigger goals. The greatest reward is to finish the day according to your calendar, having completed all the tasks scheduled for that day, so you can deservedly enjoy your personal time.