- People need guidance to change
The only thing that doesn’t change is the fact that everything changes in life. Especially entrepreneurs and business owners must constantly think about change. This is a hard task, so why not make it easier with some guidance? This is where the fabfive come in and support participants with guidance in the following five areas:
- Food: Antoni Porowski
- Clothing: Tan France
- Culture: Karamo Brown
- Design: Bobby Berk
- Style: Jonathan Van Ness
How would your life change when one coach would come and help you become a high- performer in your area of expertise?
- The past is over! Focus on the future
Most participants that come to Queer Eye have some issues from the past and it is important to work with these feelings. Often times it is all about forgiving yourself and also other people and looking forward to a more positive future! One simple technique is just to speak about these feelings with somebody and then letting them go!
- Massive action
Just speaking about it is not enough! You also have to do the work and create new habits in your life. It is all about doing and being creative outside of your comfort zone. Take the things that you’re scared of and tackle them with passion. Always remember you don’t have to do this yourself, ask other people for support and help! In most cases, people are open to help you and will support you if you honestly speak the truth.