What is preventive quarantine?
Anxiety during quarantine
Managing Quarantined Adult Anxiety
How to manage the anxiety of quarantined children
What is preventive quarantine?
The preventive quarantine implies that all those people who do not present symptoms and believe they have not had contact with confirmed cases, avoid leaving their homes, as far as possible and lasts for 14 days.
This implies that, during the established period, it is necessary to avoid places with large crowds of people, not to go out to shopping centers, restaurants, friends’ houses, bars, etc. In this sense, it is relevant that those who do the preventive quarantine only leave their homes when strictly necessary and taking the necessary precautions.
Anxiety during quarantine
It is a reality that human beings are not used to not leaving their home for so long, so it is highly probable that some people increase their anxiety levels.
It is because of the above that Dr. Alejandra Armijo, a psychiatrist at Clínica Dávila , delivers a series of recommendations to stay calm at home.
In this sense, the expert assures that it is extremely relevant that people who are in preventive or mandatory quarantine, maintain the daily work routine.
“It is essential to organize a routine from Monday to Friday and that you have waking hours the same as when you work outside. Maintain feeding times for breakfast, lunch, dinner and coffee in the afternoon, ”he says.
How to handle anxiety in quarantined adults:
Organize a work routine.
Maintain feeding schedules.
Incorporate physical activity in the morning or afternoon.
Communicate with family and friends through technology.
Likewise, he adds that when there are children in the home, it is important that separate spaces are defined in which adults can work concentrated, but without losing control of the children’s activities.
“The house has to be reinvented with more playful spaces for children and a place where adults can work. A quieter and more private work space to carry out their activities ”, explains Dr. Armijo.
How to handle the anxiety of quarantined children:
Carry out short, well structured and short activities that allow them to develop their creativity.
Maintain directed activities with stimuli during the morning and freer spaces for them to play in the afternoon.
Cook with them and promote healthy eating. Teach caring for the environment through gardening.
Finally, the Clinica Dávila psychiatrist assures that to avoid increasing anxiety in quarantine it is important to give oneself space to read, to talk and do things that people usually put aside due to lack of time.
At the same time, it highlights that, when the quarantine is preventive, it is good to take advantage of the instance to share and spend time with the family.