By Kerryn Vaughan
12th January 2021
I don’t know about you, but last year gave me the chance to stop and really think about what was important in my life. My list was quite long, but the highlights focused around owning my time more and not getting dragged into chasing shiny silver rabbits. I have a tendency to do that!
Essentially I want to do more of what matters to me.
All the work I do with people is to help them design their own life, or at the very least, show them it’s possible and that they have the power within to write their next chapter. Seems simple. But us humans are so steeped in negative thoughts and self talk, that we really struggle to take back the reigns and declare “this is my life and I will be the driver!”.
Why? Most often I hear things about ‘not wanting to rock the boat’ or ‘I can’t be bothered with the arguments’ or ‘god my mother would be mortified if I did what I wanted to’.
There’s also the ‘yeah I do want to, but…’ and the reasons that follow are things to do with the partner, job, children, money etc.
Often, living the life you would love to design comes with the belief that to achieve this you must free fall off the cliff and abandon everything you have spent your life building. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
In fact, greater success comes from just taking small steps. Every time we take one tiny step and achieve success, we are motivated to take the next tiny step. Within a very short period of time we are walking to the beat of a much happier drummer, and things are changing around us. Things we didn’t even take action on. That’s how brilliant the magical energy of tiny steps is.
So what do you want to be different in 2021?
Do you want a new career, to be healthier, a better communicator, save more money, move home, build a home office, begin or master a hobby, start a side hustle, have more weekends away, getting date nights back into the diary.
Maybe it’s improving a work partnership or a personal relationship. If this is high on your list, I have a fantastic psychometric tool in my bag of tricks that can have your communication and understanding of each other leaping to new heights in a very fast, affordable and fun way. So reach out and ask me about that if relationships is a priority for you this year.
In the end, nobody has the perfect life, and we all have something in mind we’d like to achieve or make better. So why not start 2021 doing this:
- Find 20 minutes to really imagine how you’d like your life to be
- Note the thing that would truly be a game changer for you
- Start moving towards it
Your teeny weeny starting point can be as simple as googling that topic to become more inspired. It might be telling somebody, or writing it down. These are the simplest of steps, but they are the most important. They are the tiny steps that start building momentum.
Maintaining momentum is just as simple. Spend as many 2 minute blocks in each day as possible, really FEELING how this new goal feels, and just keep moving in that direction.
I’d love to know what you’re taking action on! You can email me via my website
Today is the first day of the rest of your life – use it well!