My grandparents told me stories about the difficulties they faced. They were so proud of their resilience and how they had helped others during trying times. Whether our elders dealt with war, the holocaust, or a natural disaster, their anecdotes were full of perseverance, determination, and strength. It is now our calling to help the world while we are trying to combat a mutual enemy. What is being asked of us, to stay home and practice social distancing, is much easier in comparison.

Many people are home with their families. They have water, electricity, food, the internet, and so many comforts of home. We have a window to the world from our computers and the ability to read, learn and discover.

My husband is on the front line of the fight and I worry for him and all health workers, our modern heroes. But worrying will not get me anywhere; doing is what we all need to do. The Covid-19 Virus has given us all a gut punch. Many of us have stood frozen hearing alarming news. Today I opened my pantry and realized the cans that were being saved for an emergency were about to be opened. But now is the time to shake it off and start creating your own story. We are all in this together, so how can we help as a nation? How can we as individuals make a difference? The best way to feel better is to help others so why not volunteer online, donate blood, help a food pantry, or shop for the elderly. Animal shelters are in big trouble. What better time to foster or adopt a dog or cat? Not only will it bring joy to your life during this crisis, but you would be saving a life.

This is a time for reflection, a time to look up, and a time to help. Maybe you will write a book, learn a language, invent a product, aid a struggling business, help make masks, or help a person out of work. Get creative and look for the opportunity to be of service.

Maybe you will rekindle with your partner and give unconditional time to your kids or take a moment to reflect and value what is truly important to you.

When the world starts turning again and we get back to our busy lives, how will you look back at this time? Did you help others? Did you take all of the cans on the shelf or leave some for the next person? Did you make a difference?

Lead by example so others can follow. Make your story meaningful, one you are proud to remember and share with the next generations.
