It can be tough for women to enter an industry or workspace that is dominated by males. It is quite common for most women to feel a bit nervous when joining a workspace that is filled with mostly males. So, here are a few tips on how you can thrive in a male-dominated industry today.
Believe in your abilities
Just like with so many other aspects of life, you need to really believe in your abilities if you want to accomplish anything. This is the first but most difficult part. Try to look at things from a different perspective for a minute.
Let’s say that you got that job you have been trying to get for months. So what if there are mostly males working there? Despite that, you still landed the job so the people who hired you must really see something in you, that is why they hired you.
If the people who hired you believe you have what it takes, then that’s a great sign. They believe in you and you need to believe in yourself as well. Once you start to really believe that you can do it, your whole demeanor changes and so does your work ethic.
Lexi Vazquez explains “Quit counting. The more you focus on the fact that there are more men than women in your workplace, the more it distracts you from being effective at your job.”. You must only focus on your job and being able to do that job to the best of your ability in order for you to rise up in your industry.
Find a mentor
There are plenty of women who work in male-dominated industries so If you are feeling overwhelmed and need some advice, try talking to a woman who is in the same situation as you. Ask them how they handle the situation. Ask them if they have any advice that can help you get ahead of the curve.
They will be able to talk you through all of this and by the end, you should feel much more confident in yourself knowing that other women are in the same situation as you, and they made it out on top.
Be the one who causes a change
You have the choice to see your situation as an opportunity to change the industry. Sure when you first got the job there weren’t many women around, but you can change all of that.
You can be the one that paves the way for other women to enter that industry. You can be the change that the industry needs. It only takes one person to make a change in this world. Be that one person and inspire other women to take the chance and change the work industry as a whole.