(For an energy transformation, after reading, apply the special instructions at the bottom and re-read)
Wealth does not tiptoe into a room. It walks into a room not thinking about its walk, but moving consciously in the direction of its knowing, its desires, its beingness. Wealth is certain. Wealth is confident in itself. It knows its wealth. It knows it is wealth.
Wealth does not worry about how to make itself. It spends no instances strategizing the mechanics of itself or how to be itself. Wealth does not squeeze, suppress, or force. It “be’s” itself. Wealth is abundant and always enough. Wealth is strong and solid, fluid, and flowing. It knows itself. In its knowing lies its power.
Wealth never depletes itself. Wealth does not spend any instances comparing one thing with another, itself with another. It does not take any time in curiosity about being different from itself. Wealth does not try to imagine what it would be like to be Hope. It does not look at Water and try to emulate it. Wealth does not second guess itself, its desires, its knowing, or its steps. Wealth does not put itself in a box; nor does it doubt itself. It has no capacity to entertain thoughts of worry, fear, loss, or trauma. Wealth wastes no energy in false beliefs, perceptions, and gossip about itself. Negative perception is not in its wiring. Wealth does not spend any instances in thoughts unlike itself. Wealth is born as wealth, wired to be wealth, and unencumbered by any and all things not itself. It does not worry about maintaining itself. It is only itself. It knows no other way.
Wealth innately knows to take care of itself at all times. It does not have a schedule, routine, goal, or plan. It sleeps when it needs to and wakes when it feels complete. It does not need to prepare in the mirror to be itself. Wealth does not mask any part of itself, nor add any pretense on or around itself. Wealth is never ashamed. It does not dim itself or shrink its ability to inherently magnetize and manifest more of itself. Wealth is always itself, inside out, outside in. It walks in itself as itself.
Wealth knows what it wants and when to spend itself. Wealth never restrains itself or doubts its innate regenerative wiring. Wealth spends on itself instantly, intuitively, and with deep enjoyment. Wealth does not give itself away obliviously, randomly, or frivolously.
Wealth is certain of itself. It does not travel down negative speculation. Wealth does not get distracted. Wealth does not lose its balance. Wealth does not fear or hesitate. Wealth does not strive. Wealth does not lose its energy. Wealth is not curious about ways that are not itself. Wealth never loses itself. Wealth expresses its authentic nature at all times. Wealth never loses its power.
Wealth is never tired, fatigued, stressed, or ill. It does not exhaust itself. Wealth does not lose sight of itself. Wealth does not fixate, spiral out of itself, or paralyze itself. Wealth does not create self suffering or dis-ease. Wealth is innately at ease.
Wealth does not boast or lure others to notice its beauty. It has no need to convince, explain, or sell itself. Wealth does not seek approval, pardon, or forgiveness. It has no need to be understood. Neither does it wish to understand, follow, or change into something different from itself. Wealth does not aim to please. Nor does wealth blame, regret, or apologize for what it is or what others think of it. In being itself, wealth is beautiful, faultless, empowered, and pure.
Wealth is not timid or self-deprecating. Wealth is brilliant and clear. Wealth is continuous, constant, and eternal in its self-generation and self-fulfillment. In being what it is at all times and doing what it does always, wealth is never in lack. It self-multiplies, expands, and effortlessly self-satisfies.
Wealth has no thought of time. Wealth has no illusion to rush. Wealth owns time. Wealth does not wonder. Wealth knows. Wealth does not worry about the day. It does not procrastinate, dread, fret, or manipulate. Wealth creates the day in wealth’s image and in wealth’s time.
Wealth only asks, “Where do I want to give myself?” and “Where shall I experience my bliss today?” Wealth lives in the Vortex of its own making, guided by its own light. Limitlessly expressing itself, wealth is eternal and free.
(Now, insert the word “Today” at the beginning of each paragraph in this piece, and replace the word “Wealth” and “It” with “I” and “itself” with “myself” and “its” with “my.” Read it again).