I’m writing this in the AM
before I head to Bikram yoga…
Have you tried?
I’m about a year in to my practice
with this style of yoga
and it has taken me that long
to really come to love it.
It seriously was a killer to start –
and I still have days that are a major struggle…
but I love how I feel afterwards –
and during sometimes…
being present in the moment
is not something
I excel at :O)
Typically during class
I have a major AHA moment –
something related to entrepreneurship usually.
The overarching lesson so far…
I was telling myself a lie
that because I had a leg injury
I could never ________ {fill in the blank}.
Wear high heels…
Be strong like I used to be…
Run a mile.
I used this for about 7 years.
If interested, I wrote about my accident & recovery here.
Simply. Not. True.
I wear heels.
I am stronger than before the injury {and have my balance}.
I will run a mile this year.
So shit.
If I was telling myself that little lie
and living it…
what others lies am I telling myself?
No going back when this searing hot truth hits ya.
Next up in top lessons from Bikram yoga…
Breathing is your foundation.
Build strong foundations and the rest will come.
Same is true for your business.
And please do not skip this
I know it’s not the sexy part of biz
but it’s the part that works.
And ensures your lasting success.
I mean, if I didn’t breath
I’d be dead.
Basically the same thing for your biz –
no foundations and your biz dies.
One more for today…
Focus on one small baby step at a time…
this is about remaining present.
It’s amazing when you stay focused in the moment
and worry only about your next baby step…
how far you can go –
and what you can do
that you thought you could not.
Ding, ding…
Same is true in your business.
One baby step at a time produces massive results.
And for goodness sake…
focus on your own two feet
and stop looking around at everyone else.
You’ll stumble…
maybe fall…
and possibly break everything like me.
And a broken business
is not what you’re seeking.
I’m 100% confident on that one.
Originally published at medium.com