What you showcase to the world as a result of all the attempts you gave on life’s exam says digital marketing expert and graphic designer Vasaf Mohammad Mansuri.
“You’ll fail, you’ll fall, and everything that you hold dear can fall apart, but that should not make you stop putting efforts to build a life.
What you showcase to the world as a result of all the attempts you gave on life’s exam says digital marketing expert and graphic designer Vasaf Mohammad Mansuri. Over a recent interview with us, he revealed that throughout his life, there were several times when he wanted to quit and when he doubted if life was even worth these struggles, but his constant efforts and strong determination wouldn’t let him give it up.
We’ve heard many people talking about success and how changing a few things and getting focused can affect one’s life. It is safe to say that everyone struggles in one way or another. One such example is Mohammad Mansuri. What makes him different from the others is his words’ authenticity and grateful mindset, which ultimately sets him apart from the race.
He said, “Whatever you earn is life’s gift to you in return for the obstacles you covered. It gives you more than it takes, and only with patience can you win.”
Vasaf has worked in the digital marketing industry for over ten years, and in this time, he has managed to make his name count as one of the most successful digital marketers in the era, along with all the other titles that he holds. He was always determined to prove himself, and with constant efforts and hustle, he was able to do that, and he is now motivating other young entrepreneurs and digital marketers.
Speaking further on the topic, Vasaf Mohammad Mansuri further exaggerated how success and efforts work proportionally. He also illustrated how determination and discipline plays a vital role in the matter and said, ” I have been laboring in the digital marketing industries for years, and it took me a decade to get where I am, I had my lows and highs, and there was even a time when I wasted all my investment, and it left me with nothing but all of this only made me desire more, and I started looking for more opportunities and kept working till I made it, and with my mindset, I was able to do that.” having said this he meant determination-efforts-discipline-success go hand-in-hand. In order to reach the last step, it is significant to work yourself through all of them efficiently.
When he was asked what to do if you’ve lost yourself on the path, Vasaf replied, “There will be a million conditions that will make you retrieve your decisions and weaken your base, but that is what life does, it makes you go through all the hard things for you to realize that success is hard-earned.