In order to experience the Supernatural, there has to be faith; having faith requires humility. You can’t understand a divine power, from a self-righteous space. There is no need to argue with non-believers, it is , I have discovered a lose, lose. Why? Because we have to first be grateful. Be grateful, that in spite of , not because of our own doing we are here. We are well. We are thriving. We are. This doesn’t mean that life will not come with challenges; they most certainly will, but what it means is that there is a higher, divine if you will, force that gets us through. IF, we are humble enough to accept the guidance, the signs, the direction.

This has been a tough 2 years, maybe longer for me. In those 2 years I have lost a lot, but what I have found has been a more divine understanding of who I am. Do I know it all? Of course not, because as I stated; humility plus gratitude equals God. We have to first admit, that even with our intellectual capabilities, we are NOT God. We still need a divine force to be our guides. It’s like getting into your car, and not knowing where you are going, but you turn on your GPS. It immediately tells you where you are and how to get to where you are going. We have to see God that way; once we admit that we don’t know where we are going (humility), God can tell us how to get there, and if there will be detours along the way. There is a divine force within all of us; God does not discriminate, but we must choose to hear, to see, to be humble (gratitude). It takes a lot, and it is not easy, with so many addicted to comments, likes, and followers, it’s a wonder we can follow an entity, that doesn’t force itself, nor depends on the superficial. 

Are you humble, will you be grateful?