“Hygge was never meant to be translated – it was meant to be felt” – ToveMaren Stakkestad

Loosely, it is all about warm feelings, well-meaning gatherings and generally the good things in life.

Having experienced the hyggelig work environment in all its glory while living in Finland, I had discounted it as a very Nordic concept that came alive only with candles and cushions, snow and the sauna.

But during one of my recent travels, somewhere in the middle of nowhere along the Punjab countryside, Hygge recently sneaked up on me and taught me a lesson or two.

These simple village folk in remote Punjab, who welcomed strangers like me with open arms into their weekly gatherings of food and community, seemed to embrace the true essence of Hygge that could very well be applied to any urban workplace.

– It really is just about the emotional connect. Be it a client, a colleague or even a stranger, never miss the chance to make a warm, meaningful, authentic connection

– Pooling resources, leveraging strengths and collaborating has and always will only translate to greater impact, more creativity and better engagement

-Hygge is in all the little things that seemingly don’t matter and yet do. It could be sharing brand stories, listening intently, expressing gratitude or simply being in the moment

– Authentic Hygge can happen anywhere, anytime. It is not so much about lighting candles as it is about shining the light on others

How do you Hygge at work!