I think I can safely speak for all of us by saying we regularly have strong feelings of worry, nervousness, anxiety and fear right now.
Unfortunately, when we have these emotions, we feel like we are spiraling out of control.
Has anyone else felt this way? Like you don’t have any control over what’s happening in the world, and therefore have any control over your feelings? Like you’re on a runaway train and there is no way to get back on track?
Well, this morning I started pacing back and forth saying to myself “I am so anxious right now, I am so out of alignment, I am so worried about the future” and on and on I went, eventually driving myself to crazytown.
So, as usual, I went to my meditation pillow for answers. Now, here’s the thing. What I’ve learned is this: When we meditate, the trick is not to ask for answers and try to get these answers with our logical mind. The trick is to just breathe, focus on our breathing, and wait for the answers to “drop in” to our higher mind, the part of us that is connected to the universe, spirit, source, God.
After focusing on my breath for several minutes, I started saying to myself over and over “I allow these feelings to exist right now. I allow these feelings. I allow these feelings.”
Soon I noticed I became calmer, more focused and my mind wasn’t agitated anymore. I even started smiling to myself. I realized that when we allow these feelings to exist in our consciousness, when we say to ourselves “I allow this feeling” we are in essence taking control of these feelings.
“I allow” means we give permission to the feeling to happen or exist right now.
“I allow” means we give the authority to ourselves to let it happen.
“I allow” gives us power.
Sometimes we think we can’t control our feelings, however we CAN take control. We can allow the feeling to exist. When these feelings or emotions are allowed to just “be” and are not suppressed, they have the freedom to float in and then eventually out of our conscientious.
Feelings are just like clouds. They float in, stay for a while, and then pass by. They don’t last forever. And when we can recognize our feelings as just clouds floating by, we can detach from them. When we can stay centered and allow them to float in, hang out a little, and then pass by, they don’t seem so threatening.
So, the next time you are feeling anxious, worried or fearful, I encourage you to try this technique.
Say to yourself “I allow this feeling of anxiety to exist right now” and just breathe. Watch what happens.
I hope this serves you.
Breathe into this moment
This moment is perfect as is