What’s your backstory?

I’m from a small town in Washington called Grandview. There’s not much to do, all I would really do was play basketball or hang out with some friends. Growing up my dad worked long days and nights, so he can pay the bills while my mom worked just as hard to get me and my siblings everything we needed.

At the end of my sophomore year of high school my dad got deported and my life completely changed, we lived on a ranch so after he left there were many jobs to do outside that me and my brothers had to stay on top of. My mom had to work twice as hard to keep food on the table even if that meant not being home very often. I had to step it up and take responsibility to help my family anyway possible.

After graduating high school I started working a minimum wage job, working long shifts and crazy hours. I got to say I hated every second of it and after a year I decided to go to college. Entering college I found out I had a baby on the way, I had to make a sacrifice and do what I thought was best for my family. So I decided to drop out of college and get two part time jobs. After my son was born it got even tougher, me and my family were living check to check. After my son turned about 9 months I started to realize I wasn’t making enough money and knew I had to make a change I thought to myself this is no way for my family to live.

Month after month going by and we were still struggling and this amazing opportunity came up. One of the best decision I ever made was stepping out of my comfort zone and giving something so different my all. Ulyses Osuna who has made his name known around the PR world gave me the opportunity to work with him. I dropped everything and dedicated myself to focus, learn and grow with him and his team. It changed my life for the better.

I know this is not an easy job. What drives you?

My girlfriend and son definitely drive me to always put that extra effort in at the end of the day. They inspire me to be the best man that I could possibly be and constantly give it my all, because not only do I want to be successful but I also want to set a great example for my son as well.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? What lesson did you learn from them?

Two really stand out to me when I think of my success. Ulyses Osuna and Josue Arteaga, they both really helped me learn so much in such little time. All I can say is they both helped me learn that it’s okay to lose as long as I don’t give up and learn from my mistakes.

How do you push through your worst times?

I start thinking positive thoughts, it helps remind me how blessed I am to be where I am today. Personally for me a positive mind sets the tone for how the rest of my day will play out, so I always try and look at the positive side of things no matter how bad things get.
