As Millenials are often accused of being distracted, lazy, self-centered or shallow, I would like to analyze more in depth how we have come to this and what are the causes of such accusations.To understand a typical millennial we have to comprehend their environment. Their world is an exotic mixture of possibilities and barriers, connection yet isolation, less privacy and time than ever, a lot of technology and expectations to fulfill. However, there are only so many hours in the day. These are only some things which make part of their world. Is this good? Is this bad? That can be further discussed, but one thing is for sure – there is a lot to do, understand, implement and adapt to. It is a fact that today, more than ever, young people have to be very wise decision makers. Good decision making requires a certain level of maturity and self-awareness. Knowing that they can shift their education pattern or careers may be somewhat reliving, but also overwhelming. It is draining to analyze a lot of possibilities and estimate all possible outcomes. Let’s have a look at two sides of being a Millenial:

1. Yes, they do have privileges.

Unlike the previous, this generation is more connected than ever. Millenials have all the possibilities to get foreign jobs or scholarships, to learn languages online, make global fundraisers, start blogs/vlogs/websites, meet and or date people from the other side of the world and so much more. They can freely promote their beauty, skills, and creative ideas of whatever they want. It’s a fact that their voices can be heard easier, faster and further than ever before. To some extent, this makes the Millienils maybe the most privileged generation so far, it allows them to be connected and certainly provides special opportunities. Due to the following, many of them have become more entrepreneurial, engaged, mobile and adaptable. However, others have become more isolated, narcissistic, petrified or blocked from all the mentioned possibilities, decisions and steps which ought to be taken.

This is where the difficulties which this generation is facing come into play.

2. Yes, they do have struggles.

Could the cause of their laziness, passiveness or impatience be the fast-paced life and environment? Perhaps it’s a defense mechanism from having so many opportunities, constant comparison and access to the lives of others? These are all very broad questions, but they can lead us to many answers, too. Although they may have the world in their hands through internet, this carries a lot of weight it to it. Have you ever thought that they may be too young, fragile or uncertain on how to deal with all the opportunities, changes and expectations? So I may be a Millennial, I may have more possibilities than my parents or grandparents, but that also means that I have a whole lot more to process and complete.


Every generation faces and lives with the pros and cons which their times bring, Millennials are dealing with the world of today. Their daily life consists of constant change, notifications, availability, mobility and adapting to all of this. So next time we make an assumption about them, let take into account that like all of us to some extent, Millennials are also a byproduct of the era which they are living in. 


  • Tamy is a thriver, an Earth lover, a psychologist who adores insightful conversations and meeting inspiring people.