Holy Smokes! Oh My God! I’m In!

I am Successful! And I have arrived. Now, how about that?

I am the woman I’ve always dreamed of becoming.

I am one of “them”

What a marvelous discovery! This hit me out of nowhere.

When I read articles that tell of “habits successful people,” how they act and see the world, I think to myself, “Oh wow, that’s me!”

Then I read, “How Successful People Think” and I see myself again – my own views and values are instantly reflected back to me.

When I’m among successful women, we feel like one and the same.

I feel at home with them.

Until it hits me – there’s no “them” and me, there’s simply us. I’m a part of the In-crowd. I am “that” woman. And she is me.

We can and should celebrate the truth of what success means to each person and each soul along its journey.

My success is my joy. My healed heart. My tribe. My compassion. My awareness.

My success is my intention. My sexual liberation.

And I’m not dreaming. This is real. I am real. She is real. We are real.

My success is my peace. My bliss. My integrity. My surrendered heart. My forgiveness.

I am the woman I’ve always dreamed of becoming. And she is me.

On and on I’ve searched for this woman – this me kind of woman.

This beautiful, radiant woman – mighty in her touch, triumphant, sweet and pure. This wild and esteemed, gracious and graceful woman — expressive, connected, healthy, well, awakened. And free!

I have made it to her!

I am her!

What an incredible success and reason to celebrate! 

The search is off. She’s here! And she is me.

No more mountains to climb or rocks to look under.

No more staring into the dark sky wishing upon a star for her.

No more searching the holy books or sacred grounds for this woman – this her – this me – more than kind of Amazing woman. She is active and live – running free. I am that woman. And she is me!

And so it is!