To be completely transparent, I left social media because of consistent family drama. I was over people getting upset because I didn’t like their posts, comment on their pictures or they decided to bring drama on my page.
Be honest. At some point in your life, whether it be pertaining to social media or another case, you’ve said to yourself, “I’m over this.” Well, here’s the real question you should ask yourself. “Why are you continuing to put yourself in the situation that makes you unhappy?”
For me, social media was that situation. Why was I continuing to participate in something I was complaining about? Did I really need this outlet? Was social media actually making my life better?
Spoiler alert, you do not need social media. Here’s why:
It’s Not Genuine:
Whether it’s the filter used or the selfie you took over and over again, it’s not genuine. We pose for pictures, but the reality is we do not pose for real life. It just happens, and the unfolding is not something you can filter or edit.
Think about it, scroll through your social media feed and look at all of the images. More often than not, those photos do not reflect true authenticity. They only depict what the photographer wants you to see. Even if it’s someone sharing a vulnerable image or post, it’s controlled.
It’s a Time Suck: Do you find yourself pushing things off and giving the excuse that you just don’t have time for something? Of course, you have. We all have regurgitated that copy and paste answer. How much time are you wasting on social media? What if you used that time and invested it in something that is truly worth your time?
Perhaps you’re lying to yourself and proclaiming that you really don’t spend that much time on social media. Did you know the average person spends nearly two hours on social media every day? Start keeping track of your time and get real on how much time you’re “investing” on scrolling. Once you’ve got the real number, ask yourself, “What could you do with that time?”
They’re Not Even Your Friends: Let me guess, you have over 100 friends on social media or you’re following over 100 people. Think about your social life, I bet your circle of friends and family don’t add up to 100. These people in your feed are old acquaintances or lost friends that haven’t made it into our day-to-day. And it’s not because we don’t necessarily like them or wouldn’t strike up a friendly conversation if we ran into them at the store, but in this season of your life they didn’t make the cut.
Our society has such a problem with FOMO and it’s ridiculous – yet also mind boggling. Be honest and consider this. If you don’t talk to these people in real life, then you don’t need to be social media friends. In essence, you’re just stalking them. You probably wish them ‘Happy Birthday’ each year, but only because Facebook reminded you – not because you actually have their phone number to text them or address to send them a card. You don’t even know anything about them because you’re being fed what they want you to see – so again, no authenticity.
Algorithms and Other Digital BS: No, I’m not going to get into how Trump won the election or how Facebook admitted to offering up what they wanted users to see. But what I will say is, “It’s all calculated.” Your favorite celebrity is paid to promote whatever brand is paying for their giant house or shiny car. Your willingness to follow it all is only making the rich richer. If people would research to find brands, that weren’t spending a ton of ad dollars to be visible despite the algorithms or read the news versus a social media blurb, there would be so much more depth.
Intentional: I want to be an intentional person. To me, being intentional is more than sharing a stupid share square with an inspirational quote. Being intentional means remembering birthdays and sending cards or meaningful text messages. Being intentional means randomly texting someone to let them know, I was thinking about them and I miss their face. Being intentional means having an actual conversation with someone, I love, and sharing my heart. Being intentional means showing my kids that communicating is not social media. Being intentional is living my life for me and not having to document each second with a digital story.
There are many other benefits and reasons why social media just isn’t worth it. I have been social media free for three years and I highly recommend cutting the ties. Try it out and you might be surprised.