I’ve always been intrigued by that saying about burying your head in the sand. For starters, I’ve found that, well sometimes, when we don’t react to something straight away, the issue does sort itself out.

But the problem with that statement is the react word. When faced with difficulties we need to learn to act rather than react. That is, to make an informed and definite response rather than one which is based on our initial emotion. And that is where the advice from this Jimmy Cliff hit from 1993 comes in to its own.

We need to see clearly to be able to make good decisions. This seeing clearly means noticing how we feel, but not allowing the potential rain cloud of our emotions to take control of our actions. When we begin to do this, as we face challenges in life, we can start to take a more informed view of how best to respond and address the underlying issues.

“Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.” As we begin to take control, the darkness of a clouded vision may begin to lift. Yet that doesn’t mean we won’t have a load of puddles (for puddles read problems) around us to deal with. The difference is that now we can see the puddles for what they are; puddles as opposed to oceans.

Seeing clearly gives us a new perspective, and one which might just help us to enjoy the challenges we face as a chance to try something new and see what happens. Just like when a child enjoys jumping in puddles. They may get a little wet and messy, but they like seeing what happens to the water. Similarly, it may also give us the perspective we need to recognise doing nothing may very well just be the best option.

So perhaps once we get our current struggles in to a more informed and controlled perspective, like Jimmy Cliff, we too can say; “It’s gonna be a bright (bright) bright (bright) … sunshiny day”.