Growing up my Dad said he considered changing my brother and my names to Gunna and Gotta. Why? Because whenever he asked if we had done our chores, I would say “Yes dad. I’m gunna” and my brother would say “Yes Dad. I just gotta…..

Even today I still catch myself saying I’m gunna when it comes to chores around the home, however sixteen years and nine months ago I said I do.

Not I will, or I must, or should but I do. For better or worse, sickness or health, poverty or riches until death do us part and knowing the difference is the secret to success.

Success is simple. First you decide specifically on what you want and secondly you decide if you’re willing to pay the price for it. Then you pay the price.

If we really want to experience that which is important to us we simply must DO the things we know we need to do. Period.

Want a happier relationship? If you’re not prepared to work at it, or pay the price in other areas of your life for it….. Rosalind (Mrs H) has a saying for you “Well go ahead; want on one hand and shit on the other and see which one fills up quicker”. She has such a great way with her words!

Want to be healthier? Then choose to be healthier; mentally, physically including what you eat, all the time. Become and live who you want to be, rather than trying, failing, then beating yourself up and repeating a cycle of destruction like a sadomasochist. I’ve been there and from my own experience I can tell you that this is the opposite of healthy living.

Want greater security? Let go of what you can’t control and discover truly what security means to you and what is within your control, across every aspect of your life. Then do the things that show to yourself that you are secure and is the evidence you have security.

Be it the above examples, financial freedom, worrying less, having more time or whatever you want to experience more of, instead of delaying action by seeking perfectionism, wishing or wanting the results without full commitment. Pay the price i.e. Start “Doing” your work. You will feel better for it and doing so be directly experiencing what is important to you.

In 2021 we are planning to renew our wedding vows, being twenty years, however before we do, I think it’s important to regularly renew our own vows.

These are the vows we expect of ourselves. The vows we promise to ourselves so that when we look in the mirror we can do so free of shame, guilt or regret.

If you haven’t done so in a while, maybe you want to give them some thought. How important is experiencing them to you? Enough to say “I Do?”.

This post was written by Peter Horsfield, as such they are his personal views.