When you’re down, feeling average, and trying to think what you’re going to do with your life, it’s easy to look internally and ask yourself where you went wrong. A lot of us Millennials (I’m on the tail end) and Generation-Z can’t seem to figure out our purpose in this rapidly changing world. Part of the problem is our impatience to commit years of our lives to doing something we don’t want to be doing, and the other part is the crooked society that older generations have created.

I’m a little different than everyone else. I happened to have been car-jacked and had a gun to mine and my uncle’s heads. That certainly changed things for me. It shifted my entire perspective in my life to one of gratitude, awe, and wonder, and made me appreciate every relationship I have and every day that I live. It also helped me not take life so seriously in the moment, it gave me a major perspective on time.

Fast forward two years, I was sitting on the couch feeling down and average, yet inspired, I took to my computer to dig up something motivating. I came to “It’s not over until I will” a motivational video by Les Brown that literally transformed my life and gave me a sense of purpose. I didn’t know what it was at the time but I felt inspiration inside of me which got me hooked on self-improvement.

I spent hours on the couch that day; I came to Tony Robbins, Tim Ferriss, Gary Vaynerchuk, Grant Cardone, Dean Graziosi, and others. 

I spent almost all of my free time the last 4 years learning from 10 of the world’s top entrepreneurs, business leaders, and motivational speakers. They have taught me everything around areas of entrepreneurial and success thinking – how to create an unbreakable mindset, reach for your goals, and not be afraid to fail. 

Four years later, and I call the influencers who’ve influenced me, my mentors. I’ve learned so much from them that I’ve wanted to share the incredible knowledge that I’ve learned with others. I wish I can share every minute of the videos I’ve watched, every word of the articles I’ve read, and every second of the podcasts I’ve listened to with my peers so they can feel just as inspired as I am.

I discovered my purpose when I realized that there is a disconnect between the people I’ve listened to and the majority of my generation. None of my peers know who any of my mentors are, and therefore are struggling to figure out how to cope with a lot of the major issues that I had previously in my life. A lack of direction, a lack of strategy for action, a lack of motivation, a lack of feeling purposeful. 

It turns out that through research I discovered that 40%+ of millennials do not know their purpose in life, and my inference tells me it’s a lot more than that. There is a lack of cultivation of one’s imagination and dreams in our society, and this problem needs to be addressed. 

My solution? Connect the world’s most successful, influential, and knowledgeable people with Millennials and Gen-Z to teach success and entrepreneurial principles to help them build an unbreakable mindset and find their purpose. I’ve begun my pursuit of this goal with Influis.

Change in the world starts with education, and my life’s goal is to make an impact on my generation by molding more of them into dreamers, innovators, achievers, and successful entrepreneurs.