In a down global economy, sudden job loss feels like you are going to the fire from the frying pan. But this is not the end of your life. Indeed, it is a stressful and draining time, but here we have mentioned five inspiring tips that help you deal with anxiety and keep your mind fresh and motivated.
Due to the pandemic, it is not new that we daily come across stories about job loss. The global economy is falling down due to less demand and the ongoing lockdown phase across several countries. Approx. Sixty million Americans are unemployed as businesses continue to shut their doors amid the outbreak. As a result, individuals are either becoming the victim of depression or facing anxiety. Sometimes, it feels like this is the end of the world.
If you are facing major depression due to the sudden job loss, you are not alone in this journey. A report from Pew Research Center revealed that more than 73% of Americans are feeling depressed, nervous and anxious due to joblessness. And 60% of them are facing sleeping issues.
If you are passing through from the same phase and only the bread-winner for your family, sudden job loss might cost you more. No matter how many motivational videos and quotes you refer to, “getting over it” is not as easy as it seems.
“ I Lost My Job”- How to Move Forward
Losing a job gives you more trouble; after all, it’s all about your security and social status. It seems like you quickly disappear from the crowd and don’t want to return until you get another job and stability in your life. You lost self-confidence and went through mixed emotions. You might feel shocked, angry, and then suddenly sad.
There is a range of emotions associated with this, Dr.Elizabeth Kubler-Ross mentioned in her book “ On Death and Dying.” You might go through from below emotions such as,
- Shock and denial
- Anger
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Anxious
Along with these mixed emotions, you are also worried about finances and security. Especially, if you have to pay EMI, sudden job loss tortures your mental healthcare and disturbs your daily routine. This rollercoaster of emotions and circumstances is debilitating. Luckily, some interesting and inspiring ways help you move on, improve your mental health, and cope with stress due to job loss.
Get up and Tackle the Problem
You can not sit ideal as this is not the end of life. You need to take certain actions that help you tackle the situation and problem. You need to look for resources that help you manage your financial issues and get you another job in a short time.
However, due to the pandemic, finding a job is not a cakewalk. But you can enroll yourself in some employment agency; you can also hunt jobs on online portals such as LinkedIn, Shine, Indeed, etc. In short, instead of sitting idle and waiting for the pandemic to get over, you should take actions that address your issues and help you move on.
These actions might include multiple things such as
- Apply for the unemployment
- Look for a new job vacancy
- Cutdown luxury expenses
- Manage your payment wisely
- Get started with online courses
- Update your resume
Follow the above tricks; you can also apply for some short-term freelance work to manage your day-to-day expenses.
Reach Out to Friends and Make Connections on LinkedIn
Friends and family members are the ones to whom you are close. So share your issues with them; they might help you cope with a job loss. You should also stay in touch with your acquaintances who can keep you positive and hopeful during this difficult situation. Moreover, your old co-workers can be an excellent source of information as well as suggest you for a new job.
As per the report published by NPR, it is found that more than 70% of jobs are not posted online yet get filled. Now you should know the importance of referrals. Most of the companies heavily rely on internal sources. So maintaining good relations with your peers might help you land a new job.
Hence, instead of isolating yourself, make connections with people because who knows a door you were not expecting, perhaps just waiting for your feet?
Improve Your Skill Set
This is the pivotal advice you can ever follow; after all, learning something useful never goes waste. Study the current situation and seize the opportunity to hone your skills. Develop a positive attitude and focus on your skillset.
For instance, if you are in sales, learn a new language that helps you communicate with international clients. If you are a programmer, learn emerging skills that help you code fast for future projects.
Assess what soft skills you need to improve. If you belong to the designing community, showcase your creativity on portals such as Dribble and Behance. Sign up for a free course and brush up on your knowledge. In the end, it will help build your profile; you gradually realize your potential and feel confident to bet back with enthusiasm.
This is the time to invest in yourself. After a sudden job loss, take some steps towards yourself, develop some new interests and get back into your old passions. Invest in some hobbies that earlier you loved but could not fulfill your dreams due to your hectic job schedule.
Invest in Yourself
By renewing your hobbies, you are giving yourself the opportunity to enjoy an activity apart from the job. So grab the opportunity, read more books, go on hikes and take classes on topics that enrich and interest you. You can indulge yourself in painting, learning a new language, photography, designing, etc.
Further, take care of yourself, sleep well, eat right, and drink adequate water to remain fresh and cool. Follow healthy habits that keep you going and active in order to find a new job.
Let Yourself Mourn From Your Job Loss
Whatever happens, happens for the good. Spare some time and space to mourn your job loss. If you want to cry, cry, heart it out, let out all your frustration, worries that stop you from doing something better. Don’ scare about the future and accept that reality. Make some short-term plans and follow the brighter path that God has decided for you.
Let out your sad emotions, whatever it is. Once you decide to move on with firm determination, no one can stop you from doing good and something productive. Instead of dwelling in the past, energize yourself and accept whatever comes your way.
Wrapping It Up
Losing your job can be a daunting situation, but there are some ways that help you deal with and regain your confidence. Talk to friends and family members; this is the ultimate antidote to cope with loneliness and depression. You can also start your own business, if you have skills and adequate resources, choose a business model and get started. Take suggestions from loved ones and move on; their sympathy will make you feel better. Try the above ways to cope with sudden job loss; if you still face any issues, it would be good to consult a healthcare consultant.