Yes. Like many, I was a victim of molestation at a very young age.
It was so confusing when it was happening because these attacks ended up happening more than once. I decided to speak up at a young age and speak my truth to involve others so it would stop. And by the grace of God the attacks did stop.
I have taken these memories (they aren’t bad memories anymore) and have shifted them into total appreciation. I have chosen to forgive my attacker as it was the only way I would truly be free from this despicable act by that despicable person.
By speaking my truth, I found personal power and a sense of pride. With forgiveness, I also found total freedom. I never talk about these incidents. This is not because I am ashamed, but because if I talk about this in my day to day life, I am inviting my attacker into my current life my present.
I have learned that where your thoughts go, energy flows. The attacker and this event can take its rightful place in my past, thank you very much.
I am so glad this happened. I know, I know. Now you’re like “what is wrong with you ?”… but really I am! I used these life events to empower me and to inspire me. I can honestly say that I would not be an Emotional Kinesiologist if this had not happened to me. I can also tell you that it has made me a more compassionate and understanding individual. I can speak to my clients on such a beautiful level due to this event that only experience could have brought me.
So I ask you …
Are you bringing a bad memory from your past and giving it total permission to keep living in your present day life?
Where and who needs forgiveness to gain the freedom you desire?
Where can you start speaking your truth to empower yourself with more “Self-Power”?
The time is now start today, take if from me a thriver not surviver of molestation your future will thank you for your bravery and courage to move past this despicable act and release it from your mind and body forever.
I hold space for you to “thrive” not just survive.