Want to know what every single cell in your body is craving—every single day? (Hint: It has to do with banana ice cream…)
Want to know what humans used to get in abundance in their diets (we’re talking 10,000 milligrams daily) and now, with a modern Standard American or Australian Diet, are sorely lacking (3,000 milligrams daily, and that’s if you’re lucky)?
Of course, you do—you’re a smart, sexy, healthy hottie!
This key nutrient most of us are lacking is none other than potassium. The recommended daily minimum is 4,700—and 98% of Americans (and, presumably, Australians consuming a Standard American Diet) are not getting enough. To put things in perspective, 4,700 milligrams of potassium would be the equivalent of at least five bananas.
Bananas are just one source of this crucial element. Plants are full of it, too. Get your plant-based eating on, and you’ll have all the potassium you need.
But if you want to eat loads of bananas (and why wouldn’t you?!) this one-minute-easy, dreamy, vegan banana ice cream recipe is the perfect place to start. Let’s get you nourished!
Simple, Slimming Ingredients
- 5 ripe bananas, peeled and frozen (freeze when there are black spots on the peel for optimum nutrition)
- 1/4 cup of coconut milk (or coconut cream)
Optional Toppings
Step-by-Step Instructions
- Combine the frozen bananas in a food processor with just enough coconut milk (or other non-dairy mylk) to get them moving.
- Process until smooth.
- Serve in small bowls, topped with the sexy accessories of your choice.
- Enjoy the wildly slimming, satisfying experience of The Taste and Flavour Solution!
Want more amazing recipes and weight loss secrets?You’re in luck—my new book, Everything You Want To Know About Being Healthy, Sexy and Vegan, is now available! This is the book I wish I had when I was in your shoes. In it, I share with you practical, proven guidance to embrace the plant-based lifestyle and finally eat for the sexy body, health, and life you deserve. Go get it today!
Remember: A sexy body is your birthright. Let me support you to eat for the body you want.
Cogswell ME, Zhang Z, Carriquiry AL, Gunn JP, Kuklina EV, Saydah SH, Yang Q, Moshfegh AJ. Sodium and potassium intakes among US adults: NHANES 2003-2008. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012 Aug 1.
Originally published at wilddonna.com