If you could have anything in the world, what would you ask for? We asked 100 people—friends, acquaintances, strangers on the street from a variety of backgrounds and age groups.

This question is intriguing as it reveals what we value most, potentially prompting us to re-evaluate our priorities while providing perspective.

The responses reflect our shared humanity—they reinforce the idea that we value the same things. Thirteen clear themes emerged, of which nine were intangible. ‘Relationships & Love’, perhaps to no one’s surprise, ranked the highest, and ‘Career’ ranked the lowest.

While age, socioeconomic status, culture and other factors no doubt come into play, the responses we’ve gathered provide us with a starting point in answering the quintessential question about the human condition: What do we truly need?

This piece was written and designed by Ciara Yeo, Co-Founder at The Mindful Company, Gracia Ting, Editorial Associate at The Mindful Company & Gillian Lim, Marketing Executive at The Mindful Company.

Originally published at www.mindful-company.com


  • The Mindful Company

    The Mindful Company

    The Mindful Company is a mission-driven jewellery brand that promotes mental well-being and kindness. They publish weekly self-help articles and interviews with inspiring individuals at www.mindful-company.com. Instagram & Facebook: @themindfulcompany