Top 3 Ways to Change Your Mindset and Attitude

Are you’re tired of being stressed and not having a balanced life? If so, it may be time for a mindset reset. Mindset is everything when it comes to achieving success. If you think you can’t reach your personal goal, then you won’t. Likewise, if you think you CAN reach that goal, you’ll do anything and everything to make it a reality. Sometimes stepping outside of your comfort zone to take action is what makes success possible.

Shifting your mindset is absolutely possible.

Being in a funk might means you are living in a sense of fear, lethargy, overwhelm, burnout or anxiety.

Anxiety is the big one… this is caused when you worry about your future. We don’t have control over many things, but we do have 100% control over our minds.

“If you think you can or can’t, you’re right.” Henry Ford

Mental blocks are a very real thing and often stem from lessons we learned in our childhood. Sometimes these are overt, such as comments our parents or grandparents said directly to us, and sometimes they are more subtle, based on general comments that teachers or other adults made in your presence when they thought you weren’t listening.

No matter what blocks you may have, you are not destined to live with them forever. Once you become aware of these blocks, you can work to destroy them and change your mindset forever. This leads to a happier personal life as well as a more fulfilled and successful business life.

Reshaping our mindset to destroy the negative blocks and welcome new, positive mindsets that will yield happiness and less stress is the goal.

Top 3 ways to shift your thinking

Make decisions from your core values and true essence

Values are standards or ideals with which we use to guide our actions, evaluate people, things, or situations. One group of values might be Beauty, Honesty, Justice, Peace, Generosity. Another group may be Integrity, Accountability, Diligence, Perseverance, Discipline. These are just examples of values that many people endorse. No two people have the same combo. For example, in a training course on core values, I wrote mine down, and it seemed so innate, so “obvious” that this would be everyone’s top value.

When the facilitator asked who has “love” as their top value, of the 32 people in the room, only I and one other person raised their hand. This came as a shock to me.  Realizing your core values might differ from other people’s creates an awareness that while we all have innate similarities, each one of us is different, thinks differently, and has a different perspective.

Be Authentic

Everyone wants to be authentic. Though the people who advocate its virtue often don’t understand exactly what the word means. Authentic is defined as: “not false or copied; genuine; real.” And “representing one’s true nature or beliefs; true to oneself or to the person identified.”

Two of the biggest signs of not being your authentic self are 1) imposter syndrome and perfectionism.

When you are authentic, you overcome imposter syndrome, which is that feeling where you doubt your accomplishments and have a continuous fear of being exposed as a fraud. If you believe you will never be or know enough, and fear being exposed as inexperienced or unknowledgeable, then you are suffering from imposter syndrome. I believe the way to combat imposter syndrome is to step into your authentic self.

The second biggest hindrance to being enthusiastically authentic or in a funk is to be stuck in perfectionism.

When you uncover the root cause of getting caught in the trap of trying to make everything perfect and doing everything “right”, you learn to break harmful patterns and begin to find more lasting fulfillment.

Being authentic will help you better understand your relationship to yourself and in that process, you will find more meaning relationships, more satisfying work opportunities, be able to manage stress and so much more.

Give yourself time and space for self-discovery

Allow yourself time for self-discovery. Cultivate what you want in your life. One of the best techniques to reset your mind is to connect to yourself. On a physical level, it might mean exercise like a simple walk around the block. Anything to move your energy. On a mental level connecting with yourself can be as simple as a one-minute relaxation break. Sitting still for one minute can reset your mind and calm your nervous system. One minute of stillness will do wonders. And bonus points if you are sitting still in nature.

As a Life Coach, CPCC, I can help you create the life you know you can have. Want to talk? Visit my website

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