Sometimes I imagine what it would be like to live in a world where being a teacher, a nurse or a police officer are the most desirable and thought-after careers. A world where people who take care of others and the greater good are considered the most successful people. A world where it’s not money that defines success but our contributions to society. A world where our parents dream of us becoming educators, social workers or firemen instead of lawyers or business wo(men). Imagine what that world would be like. Imagine what it would be like if all of us are excited about teaching kids, caring for the sick and helping those in need instead of promotions, titles and money. Imagine how much better everyone’s life would be if caring for each other was considered more important than caring for ourselves.
And Not because we think we should but because that’s how we truly feel.
Sometimes I imagine what it would be like to live in a world where those of us in the richest countries have truly realized that the only thing that makes us different from those in poor countries is luck. A world where we have understood that most of us where just lucky enough to be born at the right time in the right place, lucky enough that our ancestors did the hard work so we can now enjoy the rewards. A world where we don’t take that luck for granted but truly appreciate it. A world where we’re not scared of new people coming into our countries but proud that we’re able to help them and excited that they will get the opportunity to create a better life for their families – just like our ancestors did so many years ago. A world where we don’t fear others will take away our jobs or money but see the opportunities and joy new people bring to our lives. A world where we don’t feel entitled to what we have but grateful for it.
A world where those of us who have plenty feel proud to share with those in need.
And Not because we think we should but because that’s how we truly feel.
Sometimes I imagine what it would be like to live in a world where we don’t compete with each other but help each other. A world where we have all realized that there is more than enough for everyone if we work together and care for each other. A world where we don’t fear that someone else will take our share if we turn our back for a second. A world where we don’t fear each other.
Sometimes I imagine what it would be like to live in a world where scientists, humanitarians, and educators are the celebrities. A world where we adore those who make a real difference to society instead of those who are rich and famous. A world where our teenagers put up posters of those who are finding cures for diseases, those who help starving people or those who help disadvantaged kids get an education.
A world where making a real difference is what gets you millions for Facebook followers.
Sometimes I imagine what it would be like to live in a world where we all judge each other based on our characters instead of our looks. A world where our values, believes and actions are more important than our height, weight or skin colour. A world where little girls want to be smart instead of pretty. A world where smarts sells, not sex. A world where we see real people on TV and in magazines instead of airbrushed models.
Sometimes I imagine what it would be like to live in a world where being a stay at home parent is the most prestigious and honourable thing to do. A world where a mum who has raised three kids is considered more successful than the investment banker who earns six-figures a year. A world where men fight for equal rights around child care instead of women fighting for equal pay in the work place.
Sometimes I imagine what it would be like to live in a world where we have all truly realized that money doesn’t buy happiness. A world where we don’t spend our money on things we don’t really need but instead give it to those who need it to stay alive. A world where we have all figured out that kindness, altruism and helping others will bring us more happiness and joy than designer clothes, expensive dinners or fancy new cars ever will. A world where we all know what really matters. A world where we are all immune to advertisements, glossy magazines and celebrity endorsements and would instead be guided by our instincts and values that know what would truly make us happy.
Can you imagine what it would be like to live in a world like that?
You might think that it sounds amazing – but that it’s a fantasy. You might think it can’t be done. That it’s too hard. Or that it would take a long time to make it happen.
What if I told you that our world could be like that tomorrow?
What would it really take for our world to be like that? It is shockingly simple.
We don’t need huge sums of money to throw at it. We don’t need governments to change laws or tax structures. We don’t need leaders to preach the new vision. We don’t need expensive campaigns or celebrity endorsements.
The only thing it really takes is for all of us to change our mind-sets. To correct out mind-sets.
If all of us would change our beliefs, change the way we think, feel and act, we could have a world like that tomorrow. If all of us would realize that this is not an unrealistic fantasy but the way the world really should be, we could have a world like that tomorrow. If all of us would realize how much better off we all, every single one of us, would, we could have a world like that tomorrow.
I know it’s not going to happen. As passionate as I feel about this, as much as I wish my writing could actually change something, I know I will wake up tomorrow to the same old world. It makes me sad sometimes that the path to a better world is so simple and yet so far out of reach. It makes me sad that, even though we know how to create a better life for everyone, we seem to be unable to actually make it happen.
Maybe I dream to big. But just for a second, imagine how amazing the world could be…
I’ve been a bit reluctant to share this. God knows I’m no saint myself. I wish I could say I always think, feel and act like what I talked about above. I try to, but I still fail at it often. I don’t want to came across as pretentious or a know-it-all. I’m no better than the person next to me. But this is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately and somehow I felt it’s worth sharing.
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