The emergence of the corona virus was first detected in China in early December 2019. At that time, a number of patients came to the hospital in Wuhan with symptoms of an unknown disease. Then, Dr. Li Wenliang spread the news about the mysterious virus on social media. It is known that the first patients had access to the Huanan fish market which also sells wild animals. The virus is commonly found in animals, such as cats, dogs, pigs, cows, turkeys, chickens, mice, rabbits, and bats. However, the corona virus in animals can only spread from one animal to another. In fact, some only survive on their original hosts and do not spread.
Apart from the polemic about the origin of the virus and the process of transmission, CoronaVirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19), has an extraordinary impact on the lives of the world’s people. The COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused economic crises in all corners of the world, is not only experienced by developing countries, but most of the developed countries are even trapped in a deep economic recession. An unstable economy creates high costs for the economy and society. Instability will make it difficult for the community, both private and household, to plan for the future, especially in the longer term required for investment. A low level of investment will reduce the potential for long-term economic growth.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales or ICAEW implements the ICAEW Future of Work Report survey. This survey shows how work from home or WFH affects one’s productivity and work style.
Although WFH during the Covid-19 pandemic has provided benefits for some workers and companies, there are also negative sides or challenges. “There are activities where face-to-face interactions still play an important role,” Billington said. The survey results show that more initiatives are needed in mentoring, mentoring, and formal training for new talents, as well as new ways to connect virtually with each other, both internally and externally.
ICAEW Regional Director Greater China and Southeast Asia, Mark Billington said there were three positive sides to the world of work during the pandemic. The three things are the acceleration of the digital transformation process, flexible working hours, and increased productivity during WFH.
The obstacles faced by employees and companies during WFH during the Covid-19 pandemic were the difficulty of getting new clients and building relationships (61 percent), maintaining work spirit and teamwork (57 percent), and maintaining existing clients and relationships (54 percent). .
It’s not always a negative impact with the Covid-19 pandemic, we can also take a positive impact. From the background above, we try to guess how the world of work sees this, especially in employee recruitment policies in the future. The COVID-19 pandemic, which brings various impacts, may change the way companies recruit prospective employees. For more info chrome provides to help us reach and re-engage candidates and clients.
Another change is the company’s perspective on multitasking workers. Before the pandemic, companies might really avoid multitasking workers, which were often inefficient and could even interfere with health. However, currently it is precisely these multitasking workers that the company will most likely need. Where this worker is able to do various jobs given to him. Of course, it’s not just multitasking, but those who are really trained and able to make an optimal contribution. This pandemic also forces us to care about our health so that we always practice a clean and orderly life. Then not all businesses also experience a decline or bankruptcy.