If you suspect trouble with your indoor air quality, it’s likely worth investigating. You see, your home’s indoor air quality can directly impact your health. As such, addressing any indoor air quality concerns, such as dust or airborne contaminants, is crucial. Whether you’re a homeowner or run your own business, everyone deserves quality air. In the office, the productivity of your employees can be significantly impacted by poor indoor air quality. It’s just one more thing to consider!
What’s in the Air?
There may be a sole contaminant in your household contaminating the air. Or, it could be a combination of different things contributing to your indoor air quality concerns. Here are some of the most common causes of poor indoor air quality:
- Carbon monoxide
- Radon
- Asbestos
- Mold and mildew
- Dust and pet dander
- Cleaning products
- Rodent droppings
- Pesticides
- Outdoor pollution
Preventing Poor Indoor Air Quality
First and foremost, to prevent poor indoor air quality, you’ll want to consider scheduling regular IAQ testing. A trusted HVAC technician will have the right equipment and certifications. Of course, testing your indoor air should become a regular thing, not a one-off. You need to ensure safe levels are maintained for the duration of your stay in the building.
Another common method to prevent indoor air quality is to check for issues around the house or office, including with the roof, walls, and foundation. A simple check for water leaks or mold growth can make a huge difference in the long run. Fungi, such as mold and mildew, are known for polluting indoor air. They cause nasal stuffiness, wheezing, skin irritation, and may even lead to asthma development in children.
Benefits of Good Indoor Air Quality
By scheduling regular indoor air quality testing and taking the situation seriously, you too can enjoy fantastic air quality in the comfort of your home. There are countless benefits to better air indoors, including:
- Cleaner air with reduced odors
- Lower energy costs
- Improved performance and productivity in the office
- Reduced risk of health concerns
- Increased comfort
If you’re feeling ill lately or notice more dust than normal in the air, consider scheduling thorough indoor air quality testing from an HVAC technician nearby. You’ll be well on your way to better, cleaner air indoors!