What do we do when we are faced with a challenge? What do we do when we are looking at an uncertain outcome? How can we manage our emotional reactions? How can we step away from fear?
Recent global events have provided a fascinating example of how we, as a collective species, respond to crises. We allow ourselves, due to instinct and conditioning, to get swept away with the collective whole. If the whole decides to panic, we will panic too. If the whole decides to be afraid, we will be afraid too. It is a window into the human psyche. And what we all know too well is that the more we focus on one particular thing, the more likely it is that it will transpire, good or bad.
But in this time of fear it is imperative that each of us step up and into our roles as Conscious Leaders. Epidemics of any kind provide an opportunity to raise our consciousness and we can do this by implementing the key attributes of the Conscious Leader.
1. We Do Not Feed Fear.
We recognise that fears are potential outcomes. Each fear is a thought about something that has not yet transpired. Therefore we take some time to recognise our thoughts, to understand that our thoughts do not define us and that we can change our thoughts as we see fit.
2. We Do Not React.
Reactionary mechanisms are deeply entrenched in instinct and past conditioning. Instead we use our elevated awareness to respond with informed and calculated steps.
3. We Do Not Blame.
We take unconditional responsibility for all that we are doing, all that we are saying and all that we are thinking. We acknowledge that we each have the opportunity to take charge and take back our power. In this way we can choose to manage the outcome of any situation by finding solutions and moving beyond the problems.
4. We Do Not Panic.
We use our training in emotional intelligence to think carefully about risk mitigation, action plans and potential outcomes as we recognise and manage our emotional responses.
5. We Are Careful With Our Words.
Open, honest and clear communication is key. We work with facts, with empirical data and support our statements with evidence-based research. The words we use and the way in which we use them makes all the difference.
6. We Do Not Take Advantage.
All crises provide an opportunity for unethical behaviour to run rampant. We act with integrity and with ethics as our cornerstone. We ensure that people and situations are not being adversely exploited for other people’s gains.
7. We Do Not Impose Our Opinions.
We take the time to listen and to learn. It is through a willingness to learn that we can expand our own knowledge base to find workable solutions.
And finally, we do all of the above from a place of love, compassion and kindness. With a calm and measured approach, we can look at what we can do to assist, to manage expectations and to ensure continuity. We each have this power in our workplaces, homes and communities. We can all provide a leading example of Conscious Leadership inspiring all those around us to do the same.